Chapter 01: Overslept Again

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 Sleeping is Bambi’s way of turning things up. When she broke her mother’s glasses, she slept until her Momma realized that her glasses were shattered to pieces. When she first had a failing grade, she slept hoping that it is all just a bad dream and everything would soon be over. When she had broken up with her first boyfriend, she slept not wanting to talk about it. She pretty much slept all day. Why? Simply because she doesn’t want to face things as they were. She doesn’t want to look at reality as it is. After meeting a new guy in college, would she change her ways and resolve what needs to be done?



I woke up wondering how in the world I landed in my bathroom. I mean, seriously, how did I get here? I really don’t remember anything that would help me solve the mystery. That is when I remembered Vinces picking me up last night. Yeah, that must be it. We went to a party after all.

Vinces and I had been hanging out for a while now. Don’t get me wrong but we’re really just friends. I don’t really want to be with anyone right now, thanks to Derrick who ruined my perception to the entire clan of boys on the earth. Oh yeah, Derrick is my first boyfriend and hopefully also the last. Well, if a girl would be in my place wouldn’t she be as bitter as I am now? I broke up with Derrick shortly after I started college, after I learned that he is going out, or to rephrase it, secretly going out with my bestfriend Carrie. Seriously, my freaking bestfriend, out of all the girls in the world? How pathetic can he get? Of course, I was really really mad that day so I also broke my friendship with Carrie. She never called me again since. I went to bed crying that night, and just slept through it. Who cares if they are going out? I don’t. So that’s how I got bitter to all the boys. Vinces, on the other hand, made me trust boys again but I still have a hard time. He had been my bestfriend since then.   

 “Bambi, baby, wake up! It’s already 7:45, I thought you said you have an engagement with your bestfriend and several other classmates?” my mother banged the door startling me from the trance I am in. “Yes, yes I’m awake now Mom, thanks!” “Okay, Sweetie, your breakfast is already on the table. Hurry,” answered my Mom. “Okay, Mom!” I said back.

  I hurried to get dressed. Hurry is just the closest word to what I did. I literally raided my closet and managed to scrounge something to wear. I showered, it was already 7:55 and my appointment was 8:30. Did I mention that it was a good 45-minute ride away? Yeah, I should have had left out that teeny tiny detail. I dressed in one my favourite shorts, denim of course, and a blue blouse that snugly hugged my body. And I wore my flats. For the finishing touch, I put on my make-up: just a little foundation, powder, mascara, lip balm, and lip stick—just the basics.

 I headed out of my room, running actually. “Mom, I won’t be able to eat my breakfast! I’m running a little late!” I shouted to my mother in the kitchen. “Okay, honey, but be sure to remember to grab a snack on your way to Lilycove. Love you, baby! Good-bye.” “Bye, Mom. Love you too!"

   To my surprise Vinces was waiting for me outside. “Hey, what are you doing here? We’re already late! They are so going to kill us,” I snorted. “And that is precisely why I am here. I know you’d be late so I figured if they’re going to be angry, it’s best if we face their wrath together. Come on, hop in. We have a road trip ahead.” Smiling I said, “Thank you Vinces you don’t know how grateful I am.” “Of course, I do know. Come on, how many times have I saved you from your frequent late-syndromes? It’s like, all the time,” he said while waiting for the red light to turn green. “Okay, okay. Anyway, thanks again.” “You’re welcome, you know you are always.” I turned to the window, and silently sighed. What in the world did he mean by that? I tried to sleep.  

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