Chapter 1: The Heist

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Looking back on it, he wished he would've saw this coming. The moment he peered at you he was taken into a trance of future that held so much joy; if he could peer just a little further, he could've avoided all of this. The steady beep of the heart monitor made his heart sink into his stomach. He intertwines his warm rough hands with your cold soft hands, just like puzzle pieces they fit together; he gave your hand a little squeeze. Sometimes he wished he could turn back time, go back to when he first encountered you and walk right pass you. Wilford wished he hadn't of helped you.

~2 year earlier~

"Get on the ground!" You shout at the cashier behind the window, "You press that panic button and there will be hell to pay!" You swept the room with your gun drawn, pointing it at the captives. Of course, you weren't alone. You were accompanied by two other people; Your brother, Jamison, and your brother's best friend, Kaleb. You had been planning this heist for years and had finally found the perfect time to act on it. Jamison assigned you to watch the door and captives while Kaleb and Jamison went to the vault to stuff their duffle bags full of money. Each of member of the team wore a mask to keep their identities safe, your dawned a plan ski mask while Jamison and Kaleb picked cat masks.

Kaleb and Jamison took the cashier to the back with magnum pressed harshly between her shoulder blades. "Y/N keep an eye on the captives; don't be afraid-" "Oh, shut it. If I have to shoot, I will just get going!" You snap at Jamison before looking back at the captives that had gathered up against one wall. You kept your gun drawn at the people. A crying woman stared at you with tear filled eyes as she clutched her child to her chest. "Why are you doing this?" She cries out, whimpering in fear. You let out an annoyed sigh before hanging you head, "oh I don't know," You whisper with a sad tone as you lower your gun a little bit, "Actually I'll tell you why, because after all these years of working I feel like I should get a break just like all you lovely rich folk." You snapped your gun back up in place with a little giggle. "That was a joke, but in all seriousness, I do this because it's fun. Now if you would do me such a kind favor and shut the hell up! I'd be much happier." You crack your neck a bit and kept your gun trained on the captives.

You waited for Jamison and Kaleb to give you the sign that they had finished up but it never came; you let out an irritated sigh as you made your way back to the vault. It was empty, Jamison and Kaleb had left you. "Those bastards left me!" You cursed. You froze up and your eyes widened as the sirens sounded throughout the building. You ran out of the vault, down the long hall to a door with bright red EXIT sign above the door. You burst through the backdoor into an alley just as a black and white car comes to a halt at the ally and an officer jumps out of the car. His eyes were narrowed and his brows were furrowed as he moves his hands to his belt. "Stop!" The officer shouts. You make a break for it, running down the alley only to be met with a chain link fence. "For fuck sakes," you mutter as you scramble over the chain link fence with the officer close at your heels. You stumble as you jump down from the fence and run further down the alley only to be met with a brick wall at the end of the alley. "No, no, no!" You grumble out.

You glance back only hearing the soft pat of the officer's feet, you take a deep breath as you tuck the pistol into your waistband, and taking a few steps back. You take a running start and jump, reaching up for the edge of the wall only miss and slap yourself against the hold bricks causing you to stumble back. You pull the gun from your waistband and crouch down behind a box just as the officer steps into view. "Come out with your hands up!" The officer demands. You let out a soft sigh as you stand slowly and draw your gun quickly pointing it at the officer. "Put the gun down!" The officer orders but you could hardly care there was no way you were backing out now. "Officer, you know I can't do that." Your lips turned up into a smile as you raised the gun and fired twice; the officer dove to the side kneeled down as you tucked yourself behind a trash can. The adrenaline made you shiver with excitement as you stood quickly firing two more bullets before ducking back behind the trash can. You took a deep breath and stood once more, firing two more bullets at the officer. You heard the loud pop of the gun; you heard the Officer fall back with a scream of pain and you felt yourself being pushed back roughly as pain rippled throughout your body from your shoulder.

You dropped the gun as you let out a cry of pain and slumped back against the wall. Your breath hitched in fear as you gripped your shoulder in pain; the thick crimson liquid spilled onto your hands coating them like a thin layer of paint. You took deep breathes as you heard more footsteps coming down the alley. "Shit," you muttered out as you reached for the gun but a bullet ricochets off the pistol sending it skidding across the concrete into the brick wall. You press yourself against the wall again, closing your eyes tightly. You prayed for a miracle. "Someone please get me out of here." You whispered to yourself. As if someone had actually heard you, you felt a tap on your shoulder. "Take my hand and close your eyes." The voice was something you had never heard before It was all too silly and drawn out. You felt hot breath against you ear and found yourself placing your hand in this mysterious person's hand. At this point anywhere would be better than here. The mysterious person's hand closed around yours. "Freeze!" yelled the officers that had come to aid their wounded crew mate. You heard gunshots; you squinted your eye shut waiting for more pain to ripple through your body but It never came. The entire atmosphere changed; you were no longer in the alley.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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