And So Right Now Cat Noir🐱Was Jumping From Building To Building To Get To Master Fu's🐢Place.
And So Right Now Cat Noir🐱Made it To Master Fu's🐢Place. And Then LadyBug🐞And Cat Noir🐱De-TransFormed Back into Marinette🐞Dupid-Chain And Adrien🐱Agreste.And Then Tiki☘️And Plagg🐾Came Out Of The LadyBug🐞And Cat Noir🐱Miraculouses Like That Like That Like That Right Now:
Tiki☘️: Oh!😱Marinette🐞What Happened To Her🐞
Plagg🐾: Yeah What Happened Adrien🐱
Adrien🐱: Well Uh, ☘️🐾Marinette🐞A.K.A. LadyBug🐞Got Hurt During Akuma Attack🦋.
Tiki☘️And Plagg🐾:☘️🐾=😱😱
Plagg🐾: But Wait! What? Why Are We🐞🐱☘️🐾At Master Fu's🐢Place?
Tiki☘️Slaped Plagg🐾On The Face.Plagg🐾: Oww Tiki☘️What Was That For?
Tiki☘️: Did You ForGet Plagg🐾?
Plagg🐾: ForGet What Tiki☘️?
Tiki☘️: Oh Plagg🐾Remember That Master Fu🐢Can Heal Kwamis☘️🐾And Miraculous🐞🐱Holders Owners Remember Plagg🐾
Plagg🐾: Oh Now I Remember Tiki☘️Got it TotallyAnd ThenAdrien🐱Agreste Was Like This:
Adrien🐱: Uh? Tiki☘️Like What You Said About Master Fu🐢Healing Kwamis☘️🐾And Miraculous🐞🐱Holder Owners is This All True Tiki☘️And Plagg🐾 IS IT?
Miraculous True Love identities revealed
أدب الهواةLadybug and Cat Noir de-Transform back into their true selfs and they see each other who they truly are underneath the masks And they couldn't believe their eyes And will they both accept who they truly are? and will they love each other ? And wil...