Chapter 1: Life Sucks

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I woke up this morning dreading this very day. My morning didn't go so smooth either. I'd been dreading today the whole summer and I end up almost missing my bus. My stupid brother bothered me until late last night so not a lot of sleep was accomplished. My mom didn't help with my breakfast since I was running late, so I'm starving. I have no money to buy any food from the cafeteria, if they even sell any. What a wonderful morning.

I slowly walked into the school, it's my first day here. Hell. Otherwise known as highschool. I was scared.

I'm a freshman of course I had a reason to be scared... right?

I'm Lily Moreno, 14 years old and scared to death.

About me? Well I'm not popular, never had a boyfriend much less a first kiss. I'm an outcast at my old school so this could be a fresh start. I could be popular if I wanted but honestly, I don't care. I chose to be an outcast again. I have some friends and will maybe gain some more here.

Yeah right. I'm very awkward and weird. I couldn't imagine trying to make more friends. People don't really appreciate me being myself so, whatever.

I walked warily in the front doors of the school, I look around see only a few of my friends from elementary school standing various places, so I try and find my closest friends. Preferably my one bestest friend, Jacey. 10 strong years of friendship starting in kindergarten and we're still really close.

She's always been an "out-there" kind of person who always speaks her mind. I am a quiet "keep to myself" kind of person. We are complete opposites but hey, opposites attract.

After a bit of chit chat with Jacey, it seems that I have only two classes with her. English and lunch. Does lunch count as a class? Oh well.. it looks like new friends are in my future unless I choose to be a loner, which I don't.

The bell rings, signaling us to go to our first round of torture. My first class wasn't necessarily torture though. It was art, supposed to be fun. Right?


I walked into the art room; it reeked of crayons, coffee and paint. From where I paused in the door, I only saw 2 people I know. Vicky and Rachel. Vicky is a good friend of mine and Rachel.. well she was a prep and I'm not very.. great with the preps of my old school.

So i decided to be experimental and I sat next to a random guy.. he said his name was Ralph. We talked for a bit but he didn't seem to want to be friends which was cool with me, I didn't like his vibes. I got up and moved to another seat beside two girls who introduced themselves as Tonya and Savannah and they seemed nice enough.

As we we talked a bit, I figured out they were just as weird and awkward as I was. Yay!

Then school actually began... dang. The teacher, Mrs. Link, was very.. um.. bright, outgoing, spontaneous, waaaaay out there and did I mention very bright? And by bright I mean her clothes were bright, like neon bright. She walked into the room and it was like she stepped out of a time machine coming from the '80s. She drilled us about how her class was going and Savannah, Tonya and I continued talking.

Finally the class was over. FINALLY. I love art and all and I'll admit, I'm looking forward to this class but WOW is the expectations high.

The bell rang again and I gathered up my stuff to go to my next class. It was some kind of technology and engineering class. I don't even remember signing up for that class but whatever.

My name is Lily Moreno, and so far my life sucks.


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