Sweet Sixteen...

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On my 16th birthday, my best-friend Mason brought me to a beautiful place. He sat me down, and gave me a necklace which was made out of sliver, with my name bolded with sparkles. On the back of the necklace it said imprinted "Best-Friends Forever, Mason and Liah". I was hiding my tears, as I felt my feelings for him growing stronger by the minute, yes, I'm in love with my best-friend, but no I'm not telling him. "Liah?" He asked me. I nodded. I stood up and hugged him. He was holding me close and my heart was on his heart, I could hear his heartbeat speeding up. "Thank You" I sniffed, and then smiled. He was the only one I could depend on. He was the only one I could trust. He is my best-friend forever.
A snowflake landed on my nose. I looked up and say snow falling down. I spun around dancing. Snowing on my birthday... "Do you want to go skating?" He asked me. I was confused and I looked at my feet, we don't have any skates. He pulled me onto the ice and grabbed my hands and we started to slow dance. He twirled me and we were dancing for what seemed like 10 hours which was only 1 hour. I fell on my butt and he started laughing at me. I pushed him and made him fall too. I laughed and got up. He pulled me down on top of him. We were sitting here like psychos.

He picked me and looked at the time. He said he had to bring me home, because it was getting quite late. He brought me home and hugged me. "Text me later, and see you next time we hang out" I waved as he opened his car door. His car was bright blue.... Mason turned on his car and drove down my street, I stood outside watching until there was no sight of him what so ever

There was no explaining on how Mason made me feel.....

I slowly opened the door, to my parents yelling at each other. I looked at them blankly, they stared back. I walked upstairs and into my room. Garth, my little brother was sitting on my bed with a present in his arms. "Awh, Garth.. Is this for me?" I picked it up from his hands. "No!" He yelled and took it from me. "I'm just kidding, yes, it's for you!" He laughed. He's a bit of a pain in the butt sometimes but hes so sweet at other times.

I removed the cute, sparkly bow, which was on the top of the present. I un-wrapped the box and there was a small key chain with rainbow "lava", it looked like a small lava lamp. It was awesome! "Thank you! I love you" I hugged my little brother.

I started reading my book, then I rememebered that I wanted a snack. I tip-toed downstairs. My parents were still fighting. "Liah" They both turned around as I opened the fridge. "Yes?" I wondered, looking into their eyes. They looked worried. "We have to tell you something important" My mom started. Was it my grades? What? I'm scared...

I sat there slyly. They didn't speak, they just looked at me. "What is it?" I stuttered nervousily. My mom started to cry. "You have to promise not to run away" My dad gasped. I was confused,putting a confused reaction on my face. "Excuse me?" I asked. "Just please" My mom cried. "Fine... I won't run away" I sighed.

"So, we want to talk to you about..." They started.. After they stopped, they stared at me for a couple minutes. "about?" I asked.... "About...."...

My mom slowly opened a picture album, I'm guessing of me. "Look through this" My dad told me to. I filped through the empty pictures. "Where are the pictures?" I asked, this was strange. "There is none" My mom cried. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"We are not your real parents, Liah. When you were 2 months old, your parents were killed by a fire, someone managed to get you out of the building on time." They explained. "We don't know who that someone was but they left you outside as the fire dept. came. You were about 5 months when we adopted you. We left you name the same. We're sorry we didn't tell you this, we didn't know when and how to tell you".... I ran upstairs, crying. This was too much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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