Oh gosh! Your real.....and ugly

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A/n Hello lovely's~~ how are you!.....great! So this oneshot is a Creepypasta one! This is a Ben x reader, so just some clarification, ben is 12 in this! I know he's an aging ghost. But just work with me here, alright! Alright! Btw your also 12 in this story, around 7th grade uwu!

Some things to know

Y/n:your name
F/N: friends name
O/f/n: other friends name
F/c: favorite color
L/f/f: least favorite food
F/f: favorite food
F/P/L/N: Friends parents last name
H/L:hair length
H/C: hair color

You groan as she bang your head on the table, lunch was a nightmare with these two, all they would blabber about would be creepypasta, creepypasta this, creepypasta that. Jesus Christ this hurt your head even more then math, "shut it" you grumble as you pick your head up rubbing your temples, you shove your fork into some disgusting cafeteria food "sometimes I think they want us to die" you played with the small amount of mashed potatoes on your plate, you looked back at your L/F/F as it's disgustingness looked right back at you, you shivered as you pushed the plate too the side. "Your not going to eat that right?" F/n asked their eyes widened "go nuts" you grumbled shoving the plate towards them as they scarfed it down "jeez how can you eat that stuff?" Your Other friend asked looking in disgust "you and me both" you said too your other friend. "So like we were saying, would you wanna come to our sleepover Y/n?" Your friends asked, your rubbed your eyes "sure I guess" you yawned as you moved your head to the side making a cracking noise "when?" You pulled out your phone ready to text your mom, you were glad you weren't one of those kids in those creepypasta fan fictions who got abused and that stuff, your parents actually loved you which was great, you texted your mom the time and place as you shoved your phone back in your bag before it got confiscated, "come on let's just head to English" you sighed throwing you F/C backpack on you as your friend threw your plate away as they practically ate everything on there "no wonder your always asking for seconds, your skinnier then a stick" you smirk at your friend, they scoff "gotta keep my bod up for the boys" she chuckled proud of themselves flipping her hair "sureee" your other friend commented. "Come on idiots let's get to class before we're late" you sigh rolling your eyes.

After school

You sigh as your had your Hello kitty bag with some clothes and all the stuff you needed in your other hand you carried a sleeping bag "bye mom" you kissed her goodbye as you reached the house waving to her to indicate you still want to be here, you knock on the door sighing as you heard giggles behind the door as Miss. F/P/L/N opened the door "hello there Y/n! The kiddos are in their room" she smiled opening the door, you gave her a slight nod as you walked to your friends room, you shivered at the eerie ness of her house as you look at the pictures on the wall in the hallway, old Victoria people, this could be F/N's Family, or simple Halloween decorations as it was becoming around that time, either way something about these photos were eerie as you put your glance back down to the floor walking to F/Ns room as your opened the door, the light was off as you could hear giggling inside the room, before you could turn on the light "BOO" They both yelled making you flinch "got cha!" Your second friend yelled flicking on the light as you could properly see them now, F/n was wearing a dark blue mask with black tears dropping down as they had black sleep shorts with their normal purple shirt, your other friend had a navy green hoodie with the sleeves being striped with gray and brown, as the hood was blue as they had a foam mouth Guard with some yellow goggles that they wore last Halloween "what a warm welcome" you smirked laughing "Aww they weren't suppose to laugh, you were supposed to get scared" F/N pouted "try harder next time" you patted their back putting down your sleeping bag and hello kitty bag, "so what now" You yawn sitting on the sleeping bag as your friends sat on theirs "well~ me and O/F/N wanted to watch creepypasta videos and read fan fiction, or, if your brave enough go out to the woods" they laugh, you crooked your eyebrow "at this time, look how dark it is" you nudge your head to their open window as their house was snuggly placed in the woods but not far from humanity, "yeah! But that what makes it so much fun!" Your other friend smiled brightly "I don't know, your mom may not be hot for the idea and what if we run into some drunk bimbos or snakes or we get lost " you shiver as you hated snakes and the idea of getting lost , "well, I have some flashlights...." your friend popped off the blue mask as they smile awkwardly trying to convince you, you sent a glare back their way. Your other friend sighed "fine, then I guess we'll just leave you her-" before they could finish you let out a meep "don't leave me! Fine I'll come with you" you stood up huffing as you crossed your arms. F/N chuckled "here, since your being a good sport you can wear o/f/n's hoodie" F/N smirked "hey!" Your other friend said to them "fine" they slipped off the stripped jacket "Aww thanks" you rolled your eyes slipping on the warm hoodie you smiled softly as you seemed to melt in the comfort of the hoodie "come one" you pushed the window open more as you grabbed one of the three flashlights F/N had as you sighed, this wasn't the first time you snuck out so this wouldn't be a hard "let's get back for dinner" f/n mumbled as she hopped out her window as it wasn't that far off the ground so it was easy to jump in and out of, "let's look for the pages" O/F/N nudged F/N's arm giggling "like that will ever happen" she giggled back leaving you confused "what pages?" Your crooked your head "Aww your so baby" F/N hugged you "w-what? Never mind" you sighed "now tell me about what these pages are, whenever we sneak out you always talk about them" you sighed as you and the two others started to walk into the forest, F/N cleared her throat as she put the flashlight under her face to seem ominous "so it's rumored that in these woods their is a being none known to man that put pages around, this man is called slender man" you groan dramatically "let them speak" your other friend shushed you "like I was saying, to escape the forest and his psychological grasp you need to find all 7 pages, but each page you take only-" you cut them off again "did you take this from the Internet" Both of your friends groaned "fine if you get lost and you find out he's real we can't help you" they  smirked "oh please, now stop wasting battery life" you tugged the flashlight for them too put it down

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