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Third Person

Daniel, Jay, Stephen, Hosuh and Ann were gathered around a table in cult formation at some random McDonalds at 12:30 in the night.

Everyone was getting along(for once), Ann stuffing her face with Mcnuggets while Stephen spouted out all of the bad stuff Mcdonalds put in their food, mentioning 'pink slime' at least 27 different times.

Hosuh was there too.

He was doodling on a napkin in his own world and humming some song from some obscure anime intro only he knew, sometimes stealing a fry from Jay and Daniel's large, oversalted fries. He also had that gross iced tea that only he liked.

Perfect time to annoy everyone and possibly maybe almost get kicked out for being too loud, Daniel thought.

He yoinked his phone from his pocket and put in on record, flipping the camera it so it'd face his friends, shoving his phone into Hosuh's face.

"Hosuh!" Daniel exclaimed, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Huh? What?" Hosuh looked up, startled and frankly surprised he was still on Earth.

"Say hi to my viewers!" Daniel beamed at him, Stephen rolling his eyes and yoinking a fry before Jay could smack his hand.

"Umm... Hello."

"Introduce yourself!"

"You just said my name though."

"Do it for the vine!"

"Vine is dead!" Ann piped up, receiving a loud, hurt gasp from Dan. "No it isn't!"

"Okay, whatever, hello I am Hosuh."

"Yay! Thank chu!" Dan smiled, pointing his camera next at Ann with two nuggets in her mouth doing the peace signs."

"Mmmph... Am Annn..."

"She's a trash panda, don't mind her." Hosuh added, Ann and Dan giggling as he moved the camera to Stephen.


"No." Stephen glared at Dan.

"Pwease? With a chewwy on top? For the vine..." Dan pouted as Stephen sighed.

"Fine. What's up guys! Stephen here, and if you don't like, follow and subscribe the person holding that fucking camera in my face won't survive to see the fifth season of Boku No Hero Academia!"

Dan backed up a little bit while everyone else laughed, including Stephen, "Okay jeez sorry Shadow the Hedgehog."

"Omg I see it." Jay gasped, Stephen facepalming.

Dan spun the camera around to Jay who smiled and waved.

"No need to introduce you, you're not important." He moved the camera away from Jay, who yelped.

"No wait! I wanna do it for the vine."

Daniel gasped, turning the camera back to Jay. "Really?!"


"Omg I love you!"

"I love you too." Jay blushed a bit and smiled as Dan giggled.

An extremely tired worker at the McDonalds approached their loud table, tapping Dan on the shoulder, who whipped around, pointing the camera at the lady who sighed in annoyance.

"Sir, your group has gotten many complaints from the other customers for being too loud... I'm going to have to ask you to quiet down. Also you aren't allowed to record within this establishment."

"Oh heck, I'm sorry. Joesonghabnida." Dan apologized while ending his recording, stuffing his phone back into his pocket, the lady nodding and leaving them be, off to finish her crappy job.

"Maybe we should go home and go to bed. It's almost 1 now." Hosuh sighed, checking his phone.

"Only 1 am? My study sessions last way longer than that." Jay bragged, Dan shaking his head in disappointment.

"That isn't healthy at all." Dan sighed.

"You guys," Ann started out of nowhere, "I'm out of nuggies, let's blow this popsicle stand."

"You literally sound like a drug addict." Stephen commented, Ann pretending to snort 'sugar' from her McNugget box.

"You guys are right, let's go." Dan sighed, eating the last fry from his and Jay's box.

"I'll drop you guys off." Jay put a hand on Dan's shoulder, pushing himself up from his seat.

"I second that, I also think that Stephen should be dropped off first." Stephen grinned, Hosuh chuckling. "Stephen you can't do that." Hosuh smiled as he spoke.

"Yeah, because I get dropped off first. Ladies first, bitches." Ann hopped out of her seat as Dan gasped.

"No swearing." He pouted.

"It's okay Dan, I won't let those swearing sailors infect you with their potty mouths." Jay swore, Stephen laughing loudly, earning a glare from the same tired lady working at the front desk.

"You are the only one on my side today Jay," Dan clutched a hand over his heart, "and I love you for it." He smiled warmly at Jay.

Hosuh and Stephen had already started taking everyone's trays and throwing them away, both talking quietly for a moment. Something Stephen said made Hosuh laugh, Ann cooing from afar, adding them to her imaginary "list of ships" before scurrying out the McDonalds like a raccoon, the rest following a while after.


Word count: 778 words

Edited but tell me if I missed any mistakes.

Caution: Do Not Touch | Stosuh Story (Ft. Actually Stephen and OddJayAlter)Where stories live. Discover now