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On a dark and dreary, moonless night, a simple family of four relaxed in the comfort of their living room. The adults, an elderly couple and a beautiful woman were settled on the long couch, while a little boy, around age 4, pranced around the room flinging around his yo-yo. Eventually the family began to play hide-and-seek! The woman, or the boy's mother, was blindfolded, while the little boy found the most efficient hiding place in the house. 

"Mama, mama!" the little boy teased as he gradually moved from his spot to other spots in the house, teasing his mother as she desperately tried to follow her son's sound. "Kahan hai mera bacha?? Aao na mumma ke paas! (Where are you, my child? Come to mommy!)" 

The little boy giggled, "C'mon mumma, jaldi aaiye mere paas! Warna aapke haath se phisal jaunga! (C'mon mommy, come to me quick! Or else, I'll slip away from your hand!)"

"Badmaash bacha!! Tu dekh, main tujhe dhoondhti hi rahoongi! (Naughty, boy!  You wait and watch, I'll find you , all right!)" Mom giggled, feigning anger in her tone.

As the little boy proceeded to climb the table near the window to get to the attic, a rock suddenly crashed in his direction. He barely dodged it, just in time!

"Beta!!!" his mother screamed in a shrill voice, seemingly taking off her blindfold, and rushing to his aid.

"Mumma!!" The little boy began to sob, as she enveloped his cute, chubby figure in a protective embrace.

"Bacha, tumhe kuch nahi hoga. Main hoon na, tumhaare saath. (My child, nothing will happen to you! I'm here for you!)" Mom's voice itself broke with uncertainty. Tears fell down her cheeks too, but she tried to stay strong for her son.

Suddenly, before she knew it, she noticed her saree was set ablaze, and the incoming flames progressed toward her, as her saree was slowly consumed by them. Panicked, she pushed her son out of the way, so that the flames wouldn't reach him.

The little boy landed with a thud on the ground, as he then noticed the flames consuming the couch, chairs, carpets, and the rest of the furniture. Cupboards began to drop and the roof began to burn.

The hues of the flames started to infest the entire house, and the elderly couple started to struggle for breath. They frantically rushed to the mom and her child, and they attempted to escort themselves to the farthest bedroom in the house, where the flames hadn't reached yet.

Unfortunately, another gunshot pierced a bullet through the glass window, barely chipping of Mom's shoulder. Eventually, flames seeped into this room as well.

"MUMMAAAA!!" The boy screamed in horror, rushing to his mom, trying his best to put out the flame with a glass of water he found in the opposite side of where they were cowering, in the room. Eventually he turned his attention up to the window, and was shocked to see a familiar-looking, radiant purple skirt. The skirt was designed with radiant golden embroidery, and was supported by a darker purple blouse. The pallu was adorned like a sash across the right side of a woman's chest. The owner of the outfit stood in the back with a pistol in her hands, while an army of angry men in front of her threw flaming rocks at the house.

The boy's mouth opened in sheer horror. Though he vaguely saw the face of the woman, as she had a veil to mask her face, he very well knew to whom this outfit belonged. It was a woman, whom he once saw as a second mother.

His mouth froze, unable to find any words, as he realized that the back was where he had been such a pure, innocent age.

"Beta, jao!! Jaldi bhaago yahan se! (My child, go!! Run away from here!)" His mother yelled between sobs to him. "Dher hone se pehle jao!! (Go before it's too late!!)"

"Nahi mumma, main aapko nahi chod sakta. Daada, daadi, aapko bhi! (No mommy, I can't leave you! Neither grandpa and grandma!!)" the little boy mustered the courage to say, rushing back to his mom. His mother embraced him as if it were the last time she would see him.

Eventually, his mom got up from the floor, and in a ducked position, guided the boy through an escape route, saving him from the fire. His grandparents followed them, and ensured the safety of the boy. Finally, the gunshots simmered down, and they noticed the woman gradually enter her car, silently ordering the men to cease their fire as well. They quietly left the place, making sure not to leave a trace behind. Following this, the family forced the little boy out of their grip, forever out of the house that was set aflame.

"Mera bachchaaaaaa!" the boy's mom, with her arms extended to him, sobbed uncontrollably, with tears flowing down her face and flames consuming her by the minute.

The little boy witnessed the most damaging sight that a boy his age could encounter; his family and loved ones, being set aflame, by a woman he once held close to his heart.


Who is the family? Who set their house aflame, and why? Who are the boy and his family?

Lots of mysteries are yet to be unraveled. Stay tuned <3

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