Chapter 1

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At Lake Hill High School

Jamie's POV

Ugh, just another boring day that school. New thing is I heard there's going to be 2 new guys. People say they're hot but they're probably just ugly jerks. Well time to get this school day over with.

As Jamie is walking, she is also looking down at her phone, she accidentally walked into a guy.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Jamie said apologizing to the tall handsome guy that she's never seen before."

"Oh don't worry about it. That was totally my fault. I should've watched where I was going. Said the mystery guy."

"Well I better get going." Jamie said.

Jamie walked away blushing so hard.

"Oh my god Lindsay!"

"Oh hey!" Said Lindsay.

Lindsay is my best friend. She's one of the only girls who treats me well.

"I just bumped into a really cute guy!"

"Well that's the first time you actually found a guy cute."

"He was so nice too, he didn't push or scream at me for walking into him!"

"Well did you get his name?" Lindsay asked.

"Oh shoot, I'm so dumb that I forgot to ask him for his name!"

"Don't worry about it, maybe you'll see him again."

8th period - Biology - Mr. Williams

Jamie walks in and sits in her seat. 5 minutes later she realized that was the same guy that she had bumped into this morning.

"Listen class! This is our new student, Nicholas Ireland. He is new here so please welcome him!" Mr. Williams announced.

"Oh please, just call me Nick."

"Well Nick, you can sit in the back next to Jamie." Said Mr. Williams.

"Oh hey you're the girl I bumped into this morning." Said Nick.

"Yeah, I remember you..... So you're one of the new brothers at this school."

"Yup, it's nice meeting you." Said Nick.

"You too."

Well I was completely wrong about the new brothers. I guess not everyone is a jerk. This is the first time I actually felt something for a guy. From that moment, I knew that Nicholas Ireland had changed my life.

After school

Jamie's POV

"Oh my god! Guess what?"

"What?" Said Linday.

"You remember that cute guy I said I bumped into this morning?" I told her.

"Yeah, what about him?"

"Turns out he's in my biology class, and Mr. Williams put him next to me. His names Nick. He's one of the new brothers."

"Nice to know you finally found a guy that's actually decent in this school."

"Oh look he's coming this way."

"Oooo, he is cute. I'm gonna go now. Have fun talking to him."

"Hey Nick!"

"Oh hey. Jamie right?"

"Yeah. So how did you like the first day?"

"It wasn't too bad."

"Did you meet anyone yet?"

"Sort of, there was this annoying girl that tried talking to me. And I also met this guy in my geometry class, his names Jack."

"Oh I think I know him. Is he small?"

"Yeah. Anyways I gotta go now, my brother Ricky's waiting for me outside. I'll see you tomorrow."


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