Chapter One❤️

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| Sophie pov|
Sophie got into a fight with her mom about going to a new school. My mom said "your going to this school weather you like it or not, you do not have a choice. Why do you have to be like this, you made me leave all my friends just to come live here in 'valley woods'. Before my mom could say anything I grabbed my headphones and my backpack; I ran out the house, "BOOM" the door slams shut. I starting running, I have no idea where i am going because we just moved here two days ago. I ran and ran until I heard someone crying. I stopped to listen and they were right I front of me. I go up to them and ask if they were ok, they said "I fell and I can't move my leg; it hurts really bad. I sit down and help them; I ask what's your name? My name is Bella and i am 16. Well hi Bella, my name is Sophie and I am 17. We start walking together. Bella ask, why are you out here so late it's not very safe. Why isn't safe I asked? Well this late out at night there are people lurking in the shadows. What kind of people I asked while i grabbed my phone out of my backpack. I looked up and Bella was gone. I started to look around for Bella and she was not insight. When I realized she was not insight, I started to go look for her when I saw footprints. As I follow the footprints I hear a heavy breathing. I start to follow the sound and then someone grabs be from behind. "Shhhh" I am screaming but no one can hear me. They put me over there shoulder and start running. I start screaming for help but I realized that you couldn't hear me scream, all you could gear the leaves ruffling in the wind. Then I realized how fast they were going. They stopped running. I ask where I am very terrified. I had to get you out of those woods before something bad happened to you. Exactly what was going to happen to me in those woods that wood be so bad. Listen we can talk about this later but I need to get you home first. I am not telling you where I live you creep! Listen girl, something really bad is going to happen to you if I don't get you out of here soon. Ok, fine this way but before we go, what's your name? My name is Alex and I am 17. What's your name? My name is Sophie and i am 17.

                          |at Sophie's house|
This is where you live? Yes, yes I know, I don't like it either. Anyways let's go now! As we are walking into the house my mothers says "Sophie where have you been I was worried sick wait; who is that, why are you bringing some stranger into the house! Mom he is not a stranger, when I ran out the house this morning I saw....  "BANG" oh no we got to go Alex said. He grabbed everyone and ran into a room and said stay here and don't move! Alex left and  as we heard a loud bang outside. I run down stairs and go out side and see Alex fighting with somebody, but I can't really see what he looks like. Alex see's me and yells get back in the house now!!! The guys runs up to me quick and grabs me and says "I will kill her". Alex says "do not she is just a human and..... Alex grabs me and stands in front of me. You will not touch her! He says you must not know who I am, my name is Caleb but you can call me "C" for short. Caleb I say very loudly.... mmm meat Caleb said as he looked over at me very viciously. Alex grabs Caleb and grips him up by his neck and whips him into the woods. Grabs me and runs in the house. Come on we have to leave now.
            |everyone is getting into Sophie's car|
Sophie's mom is in the backseat asleep. So Sophie asked Alex what are you, you are definitely not a normal person. Sophie, do you believe in vampires and wear wolfs? Kinda why do you ask? Well I am a vampire and a we... "CRASH" Sophie SOPHIE are you ok. "Alex is checking her to see if she is breathing, she is not". Alex takes Sophie out of the car. (He lays her on the ground) Alex bites her in the neck. ~ a few minutes later~ Sophie wakes up and asked what happen Alex. Why do I feel like this, I feel.... so different and hungry. Sophie listen like I was saying in the car I am a vampire and a wear wolf. You stopped breathing so I bit your neck; so which means your a... I am a vampire omg Alex why would you bite me why didn't you just let me die. I am just a normal human why would you save me, why didn't you just kill me. Because Sophie your something special. Your not like the others. Where is my mom, is she ok!? Yes, but you can not be around her. Why why not she is my mother. Well because you are now a vampire and a wear wolf, so which means you eat people. Ewwwww disgusting, that is gross and I would never eat my mother. No you wouldn't think you would but you at the moment don't care who eat. You are craving for blood; so take a bite of my arm. No ew I am not... (Alex grabs me and I bite his arm) that was good I want more. You can have more later but right know we have to go.  I'll Grab your mom and let's go.

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