Can You Feel My Heart?✌

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Wynters POV

Well before I tell your what's going on right now, I'll tell you about myself. I have dark brown hair and brown eyes, I wouldn't say I'm pretty yet I'm not ugly. Me and My family are not from around here. We are from a secret society known as the "Emotive-Dreamers". We are Vampires. Not everybody knows about us because we liked to be kept a secret. My parents are rich and decided to rent half of our house to the Sykes family. Little did I know they had a son my age that was really nice to others, but not me. They moved in when their son, Brett, and I were 14. He called me names and told me I was ugly and worthless but I didn't let it get to me until last year when we were 15. I didn't try to hang out with Brett as much, because I was always sad. When I would try and hang out with him, asking if he wanted to do something he would then just tell me to go and kill myself. I was like "fine" and after that I just stopped trying. He noticed apparently and cared a little more about me. Nobody told him to but he was always there for me if I was sad or upset. Then when things were okay for me he'd become meaner again and I just stopped talking to him. He's still sorta mean but he's tolerable. Okay so now with the story. Brett and I were home alone because Brett's dad was in a different country on business and his mom and brother were running errands. My mom was working late tonight and so was my dad, so Brett and I were the only ones home. Today is the worst day of my life. I have the absolute worst stomach cramps since I'm about to start my period. I know it's kinda weird to have not started your period, even more so that I'm 16 and haven't started yet, but my mom told me that I'm a late bloomer or something like that. The cramps were only getting worse and I felt as if there was a baby inside my stomach that wouldn't stop kicking me. I was on the floor of my room holding my stomach while screaming and crying. Brett was in his room listening to his music (as usual),. which was louder than my screams. I know it may seem strange that I am 16 years old and screaming but it hurts. A lot. Then all of a sudden Brett was standing in front of me with a worried look on his face.
"Are you okay?" He asked, kneeling down beside me.
"Does it look like I'm okay?" I snapped and then another cramp happened and I grabbed onto Brett. I have no idea why I was holding onto him so tight but it kinda made me feel better. It took him a few seconds before he wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up. He walked over to my bed and sat down, pulling me onto his lap and keeping me there. He sat so we were both looking one way and not at each other. Brett's arms were around my waist, keeping me close to him. He had his head on top of mine and whenever I would get a crampy thingy he would hold me tighter.
"How do you feel?" He asked and I put my hand over his.
"Like a baby is kicking me from the inside." He smirked a little and I realized how stupid that sounded. He grabbed my hand and held it in his... while we spoke.
"How do you know what that feels like?" He whispered and I shrugged. I felt another cramp and squeezed my eyes shut.
"I don't know but what I do know is that I want you to hold me." I turned so I was facing him and I wrapped my legs around his waist and I put my head on his shoulder. He didn't seem to care so I just sat there and squeezed him whenever I hurt.
"For a immortal, your surprisingly weak." He laughed a little and I smiled.
"What's going on in here?" I heard Brett's mother say. I turned towards the door and she was standing there with a smirk on her face and her hands on her hips.
"Nothing. Honestly, nothing." I said too quickly. Damn it, now she's going to think something's up.
"Yeah, okay. I'll just leave you two to do.... Whatever it is that you're doing." She said with a strange look on her face. She closed my door and walked away. I sighed and closed my eyes.
"You're so beautiful." Brett said changing the subject. I made a 'what the hell' face and shook my head.
"No, I'm not." Just then my door opened and Brett's brother, Conner, was there.
"Hey Wynter! Wanna go watch a movie?" He said excitedly. I was going to speak but Brett beat me.
"She can't. She's going through some things and she needs me right now. Sorry." Conner looked sad and then he smiled.
"I'll go ask your sister." He turned around and slammed my door. I have a sister? Oh. He means Ali. I have a sister but she never comes out of her room unless you drag her out or there's something important that she needs to attend. She's 20 and is going to college tomorrow. Tomorrow is the first day of school for everyone except Conner. His school doesn't start until next week, for some reason. Don't ask me.
"Why don't you believe me? You're beautiful." Brett said causing me too look at him.
"Because you told me I'm not." I said, honestly. He made a strange face and then he finally understood.
"I'm sorry." He said quietly.
"It might be okay." I said and he made a face.
"It may be okay and it may not be okay." It took him forever to figure out what I said.
"I'm still sorry." He said putting his forehead on my chin.
"It's fine." I backed away from him and smiled. He kissed my forehead and smiled at me.
"C'mon, you need to feed." He stuttered as he stood up.
"Yeah... I haven't been really able too.. I just haven't felt like even trying."
"Come here." He said, while tilting his head slightly to the left. "You can feed off of me if you want."
"No. I couldn't. I would NEVER." I said as he pulled me closer to him.
"Just do it. I want you too."
As, I approached his warm and embracing body, he placed his hands by my waist. I slowly raised my hand, feeling his soft but elegant black hair. I ran my fingers through it. Hoping it would deliberately slow his heart rate down. I leaned in, I could smell the bitterly sweet blood that portrayed throughout his body. I couldn't resist much longer, I sank my fangs into his neck, while still caressing my fingers throughout his hair. Oh, how good it felt. I couldn't stop. It was just so good. Finally, I released. He stood in the exact same position. It was as if he was almost prolonged to it.
"How are you feeling now?" He asked while covering his neck up with his Hollywood Undead hoodie.
"Better.. I guess. Thank you." I said as I removed my hand from his delicate flowing hair.
"You need to go to bed!" He said as he walked me too my bed. Laid me down, and put a blanket over my body.
"Goodnight. Come to my room if you need anything." He whispered and gently hugged me. He backed away slowly and left my room. I heard somebody talking and then I heard Brett yell 'nothing' and then I heard a door slam. I just turned on my side and waited for the next cramp thing. I tried to sleep but I kept hurting. It hurt worse now than it did when Brett was with me. I don't understand why he was being so nice and kind today. I kept getting cramps and they hurt worse and worse and finally I got up and walked out of my room, to Brett's. I opened his door and he was still up. He was listening to music on his laptop. He looked at me and ripped his headphones out.
"C'mere." He whispered and opened his arms. I didn't even say anything, but okay. I walked closer to him and he slid his laptop off his lap. I walked over to him and hugged him. He pulled me onto his lap and held me close, and tight. "Maybe there's something that'll make your period start sooner?" He said and typed something on his laptop before making an 'ahhhh' noise. "It's saying you have to drink a lot of tea and you have to massage your tummy. Lets do the easiest thing for now." The next thing I knew he was pulling my shirt up to reveal my stomach and then he starts to 'massage' it. He probably doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. After like ten minutes of 'massaging' he kissed my stomach a few times before sitting up.
"Why did you kiss my stomach?" I asked, confused.
"They're Brett kisses, and Brett's kisses make boo boos better." He smiled and moved so he was sitting next to me.
"C'mon, you need to sleep." He said and turned the light off.
"Yes?" He asked wrapping his arms around me. I'm going to enjoy it while I can.
"Are we friends?" You're my best friend.
"Yes.Friends.Go to bed!" He whispered loudly.
"Fine." I rolled onto my side and tried to fall asleep until I heard thunder. Well today is just perfect. I hate thunderstorms and I get so scared and I want to cry and ugh. The booms or whatever started getting louder and I heard rain and I seen lightening. Close my eyes and sleep, I told myself. Then the thunder 'struck' and the whole house shook.
"It's okay." I heard Brett say and he pulled me closer too him. I just then realized I was crying and I obviously didn't want to make a fool out of myself so I quickly wiped my tears away. I rolled over so I was facing Brett and seen he was looking at me. "Wynter, come closer." I moved close to him just as the house shook again. He pulled me into him and I calmed down. I soon felt myself fall asleep.
I woke up to my mother screaming at me. I turned and seen that the whole gang was there. My mom, dad, and Brett's mom. I groaned and turned around again, sticking my face into Brett's neck. I felt someone poking me but I ignored it until they were adding a lot of pressure and I had enough.
"What!" I said as I turned and faced the devious eyes my father had forever prolonged.
"Don't talk to me that way!" My dad ripped me out of Brett's warm bed and onto the floor, giving me a volt of adrenaline that caused my eyes to portray the color of crimson. I could feel my blood pressure rise, as he stood there shaking his head. "Now, what is going on in here!?" My dad yelled at me as I began to stand up. I was going to say something, but Brett beat me too it. He was up!?
"She was having some cramps and so I tried to comfort her and then I went in here and she came in here, with a look of pain and disruptor on her face, so I comforted her. Then there was a thunderstorm so I calmed her down and so I decided to have her sleep with me in case she unintentionally had gotten scared." He said and everybody looked at him and then at me. I'm glad Brett left out the 'massaging' my tummy and the feeding parts in front of his mother.
"Well we're sorry for over reacting." My mom said and started to slowly walk out of the room.
"Thank you Bre-"
I was interrupted by my father. "Come outside for a minute with me Wynter." As I turned around I noticed that my father was already outside sitting on the roof looking down at all of the unfamiliar faces that flooded our neighborhood. "What did I tell you about mortals Wynter?"
"I know Dad I ju-"
I was interrupted again.
"You can't be with him until after your 18th birthday. When you choose."
"I know. But father he means much more than you know too me. After imprinting on him... it just has been hard for me. I wish that you could understand."
"Oh. Honey. But I do." He said while wrapping his arms around me. We both stood up and shortly after he exited the room. I still stood outside as I watched the door slam shut. I walked over and sat next to Brett, who then moved my bangs out of my face.
"C'mon, we have to get ready for school." He said sounding tired. He has such a sexy morning voice. But i'll never admit that.
"Okay." I got up and Brett stretched making a unfamiliar noise. Awh.
"Here, wear my shirt. Don't tell anybody or else they're going to thing were dating."
"Um, I'm good. I have my own shirts, thank you. I wouldn't want to embarrass you by wearing your shirt." I walked out of his room and back into mine. I closed the door and skipped to my closet and pulled out my Fall out boy t-shirt. Patrick Stump. Ughh. Perfection. I then went to my dresser and I got a pair of jeans and then I put everything on and checked the time. 3:30. Seriously Brett? You made me think I had no time to get ready. I guess today is the day I try to look okay. I went to the bathroom and put on deodorant, perfume, and makeup. I think this is normal for a human. I hope. I put my makeup on differently. I had a little thicker eyeliner and I had a different shade of concealer on. I also did my hair differently. I straightened it and I think it looked good. I stood there standing in the mirror looking at my reflection, to be surprised with the fact that I was pleased. I walked into the hall and heard my fathers voice coming from Brett's room.
"Listen boy, I don't want you to hurt my daughter. I know what goes on at school and I don't want her to be even more hurt if this doesn't work. I trust you'll treat her well."
"I won't sir and I promise." I heard footsteps and I backed away from the door and started walking towards it again like I didn't hear anything. My dad walked out and smiled at me before walking down the hall. I slowly swung his door open. He was sitting on his bed playing with his fingers.
He looked at me, with his eyes wide in desperation.
"What? Do I have something on my face!? What?"
"No.No. You just look beautiful." He smiled. I couldn't help but notice Brett kept looking at me. Is that bad? I noticed he sat closer to me. I don't know if this is good or not.
"WYNTER! BRETT! YOU HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL!" How long have we been sitting here!?
"Coming." Brett yelled, grabbing my hand and pulling me up off of his bed. I walked out of his room and into my own, grabbing my book bag that was right next to the door. I put it on and walked to where Brett was waiting for me.
"Lets go." I said and walked past him, going down the stairs and out the door. I walked to my dads car and got in the back, waiting for Brett. If he comes. I fixed my vans, which I put on in an hurry and then the door next to me opened. Brett got in and sat next to me. This is the first time he drove with my dad and I in months.
"Why're you riding with us?" Whenever I asked him to come he would always say 'no', so I am confused as too why he is now.
"I wanted to spend more time with you.'' He rubbed my leg and smiled. He wants to spend time with me?
"Oh." My dad then got into the car.
"Lets go." He smiled and started up the car. He then started driving and I noticed Brett moved closer to me. Why is he acting like this? Does he like me? He doesn't like me at all and I know it.
"We're here." My dad said. I told him bye and stepped out of the car, Brett getting out soon after. He closed the door and my dad drove off into the distance. Okay. I felt Brett's arm wrap around me.
"What're you doing?" I asked and he smirked a bit.
"Just stay close to me." He said, ignoring my question.
"Okay?" I said as we walked into school. Everybody looked at Brett and I so I moved out of Brett's grasp and started walking ahead a little. I went to my first period and when it was over I went to my next class and so on until lunch came around. I was never a fan of lunch.
I walked into the lunchroom and the popular girls smiled at me. Okay so it's either the way I look or they are laughing at me. Okay. I walked to a table and sat down. There was a tap on my shoulder so I turned around and there was a popular girl named Samantha and Brett.
"Want to come sit by me today?" Brett asked and I was going to stand up and walk with him until Samantha spoke.
"No, come sit with us." She smiled and pointed to her table. I should go with Brett, but I never sat by a 'cool' kid before.
"I don't know." I looked at both of them and then Samantha spoke.
"Go sit by him today and then you can sit with us tomorrow?" I didn't know 'cool' girls acted like this.
"Okay." I smiled a little at her, stood up, and started walking with Brett to his table.
"Come on, love." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto his lap, once we got to his table. All of his friends looked at me weird and I didn't like it. I heard them whisper things like, "Why is he here?" I turned and looked at Brett and he looked zoned out. I poked him and he smiled at me. Then the bell rang and I jumped off of Brett's lap and started speed walking until someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I looked at who it was, it was Brett's friends but no Brett. They walked so they were on either side of me and we were all walking at the same pace. Then they started hitting my hips, making me go opposite ways. Hard to explain but it's really annoying.
"Please stop." I said to them as they continued.
"Ha. Ya hear that?" She wants us to stop. Not happening!" Then the one on my right hit my hip just hard enough to send me flying into the wall. When did the other guy move? The same one who slammed me into the wall pulled my head back and slammed it into the wall a few times.
"Fucking little Emo bitch." one of them said. Before I knew it I fell to the ground having a strange sensation running throughout my body. They started laughing and I seem Brett come to the 'scene'. He was obviously deciding if he should help me or laugh at me with his friends. I already knew what he would do.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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