Product Of Lust (MIW One Shot)

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Hi, so this is my first fanfiction i cam posting on wattpad. My friend Kylie kept urging me to write her someting and she liked it so much she thinks it should be on here. How the people are protrayed are completely fictional. I really hope you enjoy thank you for taking the time to read this.

        Okay so befor I get started telling you how i got the most amazing boyfriend in the world you need to know a few things:

1. My name is Devin Sola but everyone ust calls me Ghost. I've earned that nickname by being very queit, mysterious, and kinda freaky.

2. Me and Christ have been fuck buddies for quite awhile now, but we only fuck when we both dont have girlfriends (which is not that often).

3. I love Christ I ust whish I had the guts to tell him but I know he only thinks of me as a friend who is a decent fuck.

4. I really hatevChris"s girlfriend Sabrinia, Shes a bitchy Whore, and well im not the only one who hates her pretty much everyone that hangs with us on a regular basis hates her.

5. Me and Chris are in a band called Motionless In White with our friends Ballz, Ricky and Ryan ( cool huh!!!!).

        So here I was ust sitting on our tour bus watching the Conjuring like normal. The guys were out having fun but I ust didnt want to do anyting but sleep and watch TV since I was exhausted. I was almost asleep when i got a call. 'Ring, Ring..." "Myeah." I said really grogally. "Ghost c-can you come get me." It was Chris I sat up  in my bunk imeddiatly while almost hitting my head.

        "Chris whats wrong, where are you?"  I said while trying to get our of my bunk.. "I-im in front of the irish pub downtown b-by main street." He siad sounding really cold. I put  on my jeans and shirt and grabbed our car keys. I said bye and quicly made my way to the car. We had brought a car on tour with us for quick trips to the grocery store and places like that. It was honestly really conveinent having it around. when I finally got to it I got in and I starting drving as fast as possible. 

        Once I got to the pub I parked and got out grabbing an umbrella since it was raining prety hevally. I was half way to the entrance when I saw him. He was slumped over passed out and he reeked of booze. I tried shaking him and it didnt work so I slapped him. He woke up with a scream and then he saw me and stoped. He reatched out and latched onto me and started crying into my shoulder. I helped him stnad up and we started walking back to te car. He clung to me like his life depended on it. Once we got there he started throwing up so I held his hair for im and rubbed small circles in his back.

        Once he was done I helped him into the back seat. I hopped into the drivers seat and started texting the other guys that i got Chris because he wasnt feeling good. I didnt say that he was upset but ust that he was sick and asked me to pick him up. When i was sone I started to drive back carefull as to not make him anymore sick.

        We got back about forty minutes later. I got him our of the back seat and carried him into the bus. I took him to th eback lounge and carefullu started taking him out of his wet clothes. I ust wanted to cry the whole time because he looked so broken and sad and I  ust wnated to help him. He's been like this for two weeks and he wont tell any of us whats wrong. Its tearing him apart and  I ust ena tto help him but he wont let me. I've asked so many times and he'll sut ignore me or say not now later. After I was donw I layed him down on the pullout bed we have in the back lounge. He was asleep and his makeup was ruined so I decided to ge thte makeup wipes and take it off of him. I walked into our bathroom and quickly and found them. I started taking it off gently so he wouldnt wake up. After I was done I changed nto dry clothes and went and sat beside him on the bed. I lightly brushed his hair out of his face. I wish he knew that I love him, I wish I had the guts to tell him that I am MAdly in love with him. I broke up with my girlfriend a couple months ago becasue I realized that I dont love her, I  realized that i'm not exactly straight, well honeslty i'm gayer than a three dollar bill and that I have a major crush on my best friend Christopfer Thomas Cerulli ( Motionless).

        I dont know how long I sat there waiting  for him to wkae up. THe guys came back shortly after, I got up and made sure that they at least got into their bunks. I walked ack into where Chris was and sat down on the other part of the couch. I must've sat there starin at him for hours because next thing I knew I looked out the window it was light out. I stood up and walked over to the window wiping sleep from my eyes. I stood ther staring out the window till I heard the rustling sound of Chris wking up. "G-ghost?" He said his voice carcking. "Yes." I responded. "I'm sorry." I looked over at him and he looked down. I walked over to him and sat down beside im and cupped his face with my hands. "I know that your sorry and i know that your depressed, I just......sigh......I wish that you could tell me so I could help ou." I said while looking into his eyes and trying not to cry. He looked down and I saw the tears rolling down his face. I gently wiped them away. "she....she was cheating on me." He said barely above a whisper. I pulled him to me and wrapped my arms around him. "Shhhhh.....shhhhh....its okay..." I said while rubbing his back and trying to comfort him. "Look a me Chris" I demanded, his head snapped up and looking me in the eyes and said. "I dont even know why i'm so upset when honestly all i've ever wanted was you."

        My breath caught in my throat and my heart stopped beating, I gently cupped his left cheek and leaned in. He met me halfway. As soon as my lips we on his it was like my heart exploded. It sent off fireworks in me. I deeped the kiss sliding my tounge over his bottom lip asking for entance, which he gave to me. Our tounges worked in synce. It was like nothing i've ever felt befor. He started grinding on me and I moaned loudly from the friction between us. He started working his hands down my body it felt so good. I moved my ahnds down to the bottom of his shirt and lifted it up over his head. I gasped when i saw his toned chest. I was in awe over this kboy. He was everything i've ever wanted and more. He slowly and agionizingly undid my pants and pulled them off. He started slowly planting kisses down my neck and atomach. He stoppe dust above my underwareand slowly took them off with his teeth. I gasped as my member sprung free. ust hwen I thoug it couldnt het better he licked me from base to tip and engulfed my dick in his mouth. It felt so good i couldnt help but moan his name. He started sucking and licking and ust when i was about to cum he stopped. I sarted to say someting but he just said " I want you but not in this way I want you in me." I smiled a wicked smiled and turned him over grabbing the lube and condoms out of the drawr. I squirted some lube onto my fingers while Chris opened the condom and rolled it onto me. I prepped him by slowly putting one finger in at a time. Then I places myself in front of his entrance  and slowly thrusted in. He moaned making me grin like a mother fucker. I started slowly thrusting into him then started gettign faster and faster. We were both moaning each others names. I could feel myself about to cum. It felt so good when I did. It was like a warmth quickly spread in my stomache. I slowly rode my high out. Chris came shortly after me. We both rolled over with me on his chest, breathing heavily.

        He wrapped his arms around me and started running his hand through my hair. "Ghost?" He said still trying to cath his breath. " yes." I said half asleep. "Are you and Kylie still together because you've been acting werid these past two months." He said with a bit of hesitation. "No were not I coudlnt be with someone I didnt lve." "A-and w-who do you love." He asked, I looked up a thim, I thought I saw Jelousy flash in his eyes but i couldnt be sure. I didnt answer I just pressed my lips  to his. He didnt kis back at first but after he recovered from the shock he quickly kissed back. I eventually pulled back resting my forehead on his and ournoses touching. "I love you." Chris said while reaching up to kiss my forehead. "I love you to, will you be mine." I said while looking down anxiosly. "I'd be honered." He said. I looked up to find him grinning like an idiot. He leaned down and kissed me. After that we layed ther for awhile just enjoying eachothers company.

        Thank you so much for reading my oneshot.....I know its not the best but its the best I could do. I hope you have a wonderful day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2014 ⏰

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