Fade to Black

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Author: Here it is! I hope you enjoy it and please, if you have nothing nice to say then don't say it at all in the comments! Thank you! P.S. Sorry for any mistakes! And this takes place before the zanpakutos go against their masters.
(Ichigo's POV):

I had this strange feeling as I was looking at my window. I turned, seeing Kon on my bed. "Something seems odd tonight," I said. I noticed he had a paper in his hands-er...paws I should say. "What's so fascinating over there?" I asked.

"I'm just reading this letter that Rukia left behind. I have no idea what it says, it's some kind of code," he explained. I grabbed the paper to look at it. "Let me see...just a bunch of jibberish." "These drawings are a clue? Ridiculous."
He fumbled to grab the letter, which he did.

"You need to treat Rukia's message with more respect! This could be important!" Kon yelled at me. "Don't be stupid...and who's this Rukia person you keep reffering to?" I asked, slightly irritated about his concern. "Huh? What are you talking about? Rukia is Rukia. What's the matter, have you lost it?" He rambled.

I gave him a weird look. "You're the one who's lost it." I stretched. "I'm beat, I'm gonna call it a day." "Wait a minute! We're not done here! You can't just ignore this!" I threw him into the wall. I lied down under the covers, resting my head on the pillow and turned, trying to fall asleep.

When I did fall asleep, I kept having dreams of some girl. She was with me a lot. These visions flashed in my head as if watching a fast power point presentation. "You must become a soul reaper," she said in such a familiar voice while stabbing me in the torso with her sword.

I woke up from the dream with wide eyes. I threw the blankets off and sat up in realization. "...I remember. Hey Kon! Wake up!" He was hugging Rukia's letter close to his chest. "Leave me alone. What do you wan-" I didn't let him finish as I picked him up. Grabbing the letter out of his arms, I put him back down. I looked at the letter, attempting to solve the code.

"I remember," I said once again, but louder than before. "I got a letter like this from her before. These drawings were used for design of the code. If so, it says,"
I'm returning to the soul society to take care of some business. I'll be back in a few days, so be good boys and wait for me. Stay out of trouble.

"The soul society," I said. Even though it was around midnight, I went to Urahara's shop. "Here you go," Ururu said as she gave me tea. "Great. Thanks so much, Ururu." She looked at me in surprise and Jinta was peeking from behind a wall. She left, carrying the tea tray. She closed the door behind her so Kisuke and I could talk in private.

"So..." I put my attention to Hat-n'-clogs. "You want to know about this person who's named...what?" "It's Rukia Kuchiki!"
"Ah, yeah Rukia...And who would that be?" "Are you crazy?! What are you talking about?! It's Rukia, one of your best costumers!" I yelled in frustration. 'Why could no one remember her all of the sudden?!'

"Are you sure about that? The names not familiar to me," he said as he was looking through his customer list. I leaned back waiting for him to be done. "Ah yeah! There is a such a name on my customer list!" "Told you!" "However, I'm sorry I really don't recall any such person."
I sighed.

"What is happening here?" "Beats me, but for awhile there you also forgot who she was!" Kon said. "Maybe something happened to Rukia." "Kisuke! Kisuke!" I heard a familiar frantic voice call. (Y/n) then came running through the door freaking out.

"Yes, what is it, (y/n)?" Kisuke replied. "Please tell me you remember Rukia, the soul society, and everything! I was telling Orihime how weird a hollow I fought earlier looked and she didn't know what I was talking about! She also doesn't remember who Rukia is!" She rambled in a panicked voice.

Bleach Movie #3: Fade to Black (With You!)Where stories live. Discover now