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Lesson Plan in English 7


I. Objectives

               At the end  of the lesson, at least 80% of the total number of learners should be able to attain 75% performance level to:

1. analyze the degree of comparison in sentences

2. differentiate the degree of comparison of adjectives

3. appreciate the importance of using of degree of comparison in comparing things around us.

II. Subject Matter

A. Big Idea: Our Wonderful World

B. Topic: Adjectives in Making Comparison

C. Quarter

D. Transfer Goal

               I want my learners to learns the degree comparison so that in the long run they will be able on their own to differentiate things around us and appreciate the difference of all things around us.They should be communicatively competence and have literacy skills as stated in K+2 curriculum.As intelligent any God-loving FCPCians they will be able to differentiate things around us and appreciated the difference of comparing things.

E. Essential Question

     * Why do we need to study the degree of comparison?

     * How will you compare things around us?

F. Knowledge

       Degree of Comparison

              Positive degree - used when we speak describe only one person

              Comparative degree - we use to compare persons or two things

               Superlative degree - when we compare more than two persons or things with one another.

G. Instructional Devices

            - Bigbook containing the lesson

            - Pictures of objects

            - teddy bear, bottles, box, books

            - Chart

H. Reference

            * Across Borders Through Language, Evelyn B. Angeles, Enjoying Language, Josephina Mallari Munsayac, Across Borders Through Language second edition, Lourdes M. Ribo

III. Instructional Materials

       A. Routine

            1. General Routine

                 The teacher...

                          - Greet the class

                          - Checks the attendance

                          - Checks the cleanliness of the room

            2. Grammar Review

                Direction: Choose the correct answer


                          Jack fills (an , a) empty pail and he walk in a (straight , straight) like down the hill. On his Wayne saw a ( beauty , beautiful) flower.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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