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3rd POV

The late bell rang signaling that class has started aizawa walked into the room the class went silent immediately. Aizawa looked over the classroom everyone was there except a certain green haired boy the pro hero sighed this was felt like about the 100th time he's been late. "Where's Midoriya" he finally asked the class looked at each other than Mina spoke up "we don't know we didn't see him at all in the dorms for the past week" she said. Now Aizawa was very worried but as on cue the green haired teen walked through the door everyone looked at him. "Why are you late" Aizawa asked "I had something to do get off my back old man" he said. At this point everyone was shocked they never ever heard Izuku say anything like that or imagined he would say that especially to a teacher. "Now would you leave me alone and let me go to my seat" he continued aizawa complied and Izuku went to his seat after aizawa was over his shock he said "see me at the end of the day" Izuku looked at his teacher right in his eyes and said "no" "what"aizawa said surprised a actual student said 'no' to his face "you heard what I said I have some where to be and that's more important" Izuku said. "I don't care what you have after school I said I what you to see me after class" aizawa repeated with a huff and a role of his eyes "fine......of course it had to be this day of all I'm going to be in so much trouble" Izuku said but mumbling the last part but aizawa clearly heard it.

Time skip (Izuku's POV)

I walked into my homeroom im really going to get it when I get home dumb fucking mr.aizawa. He looked up from his desk and looked at me "come here" he said "ok ok relax your old man pants" I said he clearly had an annoyed look on his face "what's going on with you" he questioned "What do you mean" I asked "your acting different now is something going on at home is something happening that may be happening with you and your personal life" I thought about telling him but I probably be kicked out of the school and I need the money "I haven't noticed I was sorry but I'm fine now can I go I have somewhere to be and it's really important and if I'm not there than I w-" I cut myself off before I said anything else. I got a concerned look from aizawa when I cut my self off but he let me go home.

Aizawa's POV

When Midoriya cut his self off from his sentence I gave him a concerned look but let him go home. Once he left I went to nezu's office I knocked on the door and heard a soft come in I walked in and sat I front of him in one of the chairs, "oh hi aizawa" he said "hi" "what do you need" he asked "I want to file a watch out file (I made this up for plot reasons) on the Midoriya house hold" I told him "why is that" he asked me while taking out a file from one of his drawers "something is happening to Midoriya and he's not saying anything so maybe there's something going on at his house" I replied he made a small noise of approval and gave me the file to fill it out once I did I thought I'll go by their house I also have to go to the store that's right by their house anyways. While I was walking past their house I heard screams I walked to the door quietly carefully so no one noticed me once I got there I heard a voice I don't recognize "why were you late you promised both of us that you'll be here" the voice said "I'm sorry the my teacher held me back so he can talk to me can you please forgive me" I heard Midoriya yell "oh I forgive you but good luck with him you missed his birthday" the other voice said "i know" "hey look at me it's going to be fine ok?" "Yea I'll talk to him" "good now goodnight" after that I left I'm still kinda suspicious about them especially about that other voice and what about good luck with him but I went to the store and went back to the dorms and that also reminded me that I need to ask Midoriya why he isn't in the dorms.

Hello my weeb friends so my new story and next chapter will be about some important things with this book so have a good day/night or whatever

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