I'm Not Tired...

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Night had dawned in the Grumps office. Arin and Danny had just finished recording another episode, and they had been filming for a good 10 hours, what with their regular gaming sessions and 10 Minute Power Hour and all. They were pooped.

Well, at least half of them were pooped.

Arin yawned and stretched on the Grump couch, as he reached over and turned off the mic for the day, feeling accomplished. Man, are Ryan and Matt gonna have a field day tomorrow editing. He finally stood up, still stretching his arms out, and turned towards Danny, with his legs placed sideways atop of the couch while he tightly hugged his big sleeping Pikachu plush.

"Alright, dude, it's time to hit the sack." Arin said "It's been a long day." He could just feel the soft welcoming warmth being wrapped around blankets and pillows, it felt like he hasn't slept in days. Unfortunately, his partner wasn't feeling it.

"Nuh-uh!" Danny replied softly while shaking his head no. He was still cuddling with the plush as he looked up towards Arin with a pouty face, still speaking with a soft, yet slightly whiny, voice, "I wanna spend more time with you~."

Arin frustratingly sighed. It was one of those nights again. One of those nights where Danny slips into his bratty moods and refuses to do what he's told, and it's hard for him to snap out of. This often included refusing to go to bed and just wanting to spend more time with Arin, even when he's clearly tired. Arin kneeled towards Danny and placed his hands above his shoulders.

"Come on, Dan, we've been filming all day. Aren't you the least bit of tired?" Arin asked, tilting his head softly on his shoulder with a soft expression on his face. Oh, how he desperately wanted Dan to listen to him.

"I'm not tired~," Danny whined. Of course, Arin expected this. It's hard to break Danny out of his bratty mood when acting softly towards him. Dammit, he thought. Time for Plan B...

"Ok, dude, how about this... You can stay over for tonight, and we can snuggle together. Suzy won't mind, of course. Deal?" Arin grinningly asked. This was sure to get Dan's attention...

Danny then smiled real big and giggled, holding his plush closer and tighter. "Ok, Big Cat~!!"

Arin's face lit up. Finally, Dan was complying. He chuckled as he started walking towards the office exit, eager to drive Danny home and catch some shut eye with him. "You coming, baby bear?" He called out.

Danny excitedly stood up from the couch, rushing towards Arin while still holding onto the Pikachu plush. He nearly tripped over from all the excitement rushing towards his body as he followed behind Arin.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down, man!" Arin chuckled lightly as they made it to the exit. He noticed that Danny was still carrying his plush, growing a confused look on his face staring at it. "You gonna bring that with you?" He asked while pointing towards it.

"Mmhmm!" Danny replied softly while smiling widely. Man, Arin forgot how much Dan can act like a child while in his brat mindset, but he didn't mind it. As long as it makes Dan happy, then he's happy.

"Alright, but try to make some cuddling room between us, OK? He's pretty huge, after all." Arin chuckled as he closed the office door from outside and locked it for the night. They both proceeded to go to Arin's car and drive themselves home.


Both the boys had gotten settled at Arin's house. Suzy took the news willingly and slept in her spare bedroom for the night. She never minded her husband helping out his best friend in situations like this, as long as it made all three of them happy, of course.

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