Chapter One

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My name is Vivian Leigh DeLuca. My mother loved Gone With the Wind and she named each and every one of her three daughters after someone in that movie. My oldest sister is Scarlett Anne DeLuca and my youngest sister if Prissy Mae DeLuca. We have a strong Italian background but my mother was not interested in giving us strong Italian names. 

Scarlett is tall, blonde, even if it does come from a bottle, with dark blue eyes. Prissy is just as tall and has long dark brown, almost black hair with blue eyes as well. Both of my sisters get a lot of attention from men. When I say a lot I mean a LOT. Most of it encouraged and welcomed. When they enter a room, the men take notice. Me, not so much. I am just as tall, have long dark brown hair but have light green and gold eyes. I would say that my eyes are my most unique and attractive feature.  

You guessed it, I am the middle child. I guess I never really minded being the middle of us girls. There was nothing I could do about it if I did. My oldest sister truly is drop-dead gorgeous and she knows it. Scarlett isn't snobby or stuck up but she can get any man at any time and she knows it. It isn't conceited when it's true. 

Prissy, well let's just say her name fits her. She is the girliest of us all. She is also beautiful and popular. She never has any issue attracting a man either. She also knows it but is not quite as humble as our oldest sister. 

You may ask what about me? With two women that get any and every man they show any interest in whatsoever, how about me? I am not what you would call ugly. I definitely have a little going on in the looks department, but I am pretty clumsy and awkward. I am pretty sure that most men don't find it sexy when you spill your drink down their crotch. Or when you stutter and stammer when they walk up to you to say hi. It is almost like I can't speak at all. I think I can safely make these assumptions because I am a 22-year-old virgin that has never even had a boyfriend. 

My sisters don't have boyfriends either, but that is by their choice. They say too many men, too little time and that they are going to enjoy it while they have it. I don't know that I would call them slutty, but they have never had a serious relationship and they are definitely not virgins like me. 

I guess I should tell you a little bit about my parents. Alessandro DeLuca is my papà. It's an old family name passed down from his very Italian family. My momma is very American, Southern at that. Her name is Birdie DeLuca. Don't ask, it's a family thing. My papà and mamma are pretty wealthy. My sisters like to say that "WE" are wealthy but I don't consider to be wealthy from my parent's money. They worked hard for that and it's theirs. My father made his own with help from his family but I don't plan on living off my parents forever. 

My mamma grew up very poor. She likes to do charity work now that she can make a difference in people's lives. One of her biggest is that she hosts a Masquerade Party every month, giving the profits to a local charity. She invites someone from that charity to the event so they can be apart of the fundraising and to answer any questions that the donors have. It gives her and the rich people she knows an excuse to get all dressed up every month, dance, eat and drink, and help out at the same time. It costs each person several thousand dollars to attend. It is by invitation only. I have seen a lot of really gorgeous costumes but I don't really ever attend these events. My sisters go to each one and have been trying to get me to attend each time. I am just too awkward to feel comfortable with that many people, even if I am hidden by a mask. 

Scarless Anne enters the living room, "Hey, sis. The party is this weekend. Do you have your dress and mask yet?"

I don't why they are so insistent that I need to go to this one.  "Why would you ask me that? You know I don't and that I never attend these parties." 

Prissy soon joins her, "But this one is going to be super special."

I look up to see my sisters, both so excited for some reason about this particular party. "Why? Aren't they all special?"

"Well, yes. But this one is being held for the local children's hospital," she says as if that is supposed to mean something to me.

"So? We have them all the time for the kids," I mumble.

"But one of the representatives they are sending this time is a doctor. A surgeon to be more exact," Pissy says as she smiles.

"So?" I am still not getting the importance. 

"He is even paying for his own ticket. He refused to let mamma give him entrance for free," Scarlett answers.

"Really?" I ask intrigued. "That is nice of him. I am sure he is probably an older gentleman and he and his wife can afford it." 

Prissy is getting a little excited, "Oh. He can afford it alright. But he isn't old..."

Scarlett interrupts her, "And there is no wife."

Prissy continues, "And no girlfriend that anyone knows about."

I laugh, "Oh, so one of you want to date him?"

"Well, I wouldn't say no," Prissy sighs.

"Duh, sis. He might even make one of us settle down," Scarlett smiles. 

"Wow, that good looking, huh?" I smirk.

"And rich, don't forget rich," Prissy adds.

"And so incredibly se..." Scarlett smiles.

"Scarlett!" I stop her. 

"What? He's hot!" She insists.

Ugh. Is that all they see? "And kind? Or sweet? Or giving?"

Prissy laughs, "Yeah, yeah. All those things too." 

"Viv, you need to get laid," Scarlett says as she looks me over like I am a leper. I throw the couch pillow at her. "Ouch," she says as she pretends I really hurt her as she laughs. 

"I am way too awkward around men. I can't even speak to a handsome man much less get naked with him. I would probably set his ass on fire." I laugh but it would be a real possibility. My sisters laugh. "Eww. Not like that,  pervertita." (Pervert in Italian, feminine)

"You should go. Not for the hot doc, obviously." I laugh at Scarlett's nickname for this guy. "Buuuttt there will be lots of other men there. Young and available." 

"And rich," Priss adds.

"Do you even know what this many looks like?" I ask about their hot doc.

"Of course," Scarlett answers. "But the masks make the game more fun."

"Game?" I ask.

"Yeah," Prissy answers with a huff like I should know the answer to that. "Figuring out which masked hottie is 'hot doc', duh."

"Really?" I shake my head. "You're sticking with 'hot doc'?"

"Of course," Prissy says as she smiles. 

I shake my head at my sisters. 

"Please come with us," Scarlett begs. "We may need you to distract the other men while we find... him." She sighs.

"Distract them? What am I suppose to do?" I say laughing. "Step on their toes? Spill wine on them? Or just knock them into the candles?"

"There you go," Prissy giggles. "That would set their ass on fire." 

We all giggle.

"I don't know," I answer.

 They both beg me at the same time. They won't give up until I finally agree. I finally say yes. 

"We need..." Scarlett starts.

Prissy finishes, "A shopping trip."

They are way too excited about dressing me up. If I didn't know better I would think I was their doll to play dress-up with. I guess I am going to at least this one. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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