The Fight

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A/N: Another idea that won't become an actual series, sorry. But, it's my stab at 3rd person since I favor 1st person. Enjoy!


Fight at the Carnival

After the appeasing day at the amusment park, Trace and Johnathan leave the bright lights and alluring aromas behind them and look for their car.But by now their smiles had already been tainted by the occasional overheard comment about them being together, and they were hoping to just make it to the car without complication. While passing under the huge sign that read, 'Amusement Mile' the couple were mutually unhappy with the attention they'd inadvertently attracted. Just entering the parking lot, a familiar but no less offensive word was heard by Johnathan.

"Couple a fags." A voice mumbled. Johnathan's head snapped around and searched for the source of the rude comment. His anger began to borderline, and he acts now, out of rage.

"Who said that?!" He yells at the surrounding cliques of people. Trace noticed a man similar to Johnathan's height, but with a leather jacket and faded Levi's.

"I did, Gotta problem?" The man and Johnathan inch closer together, the hostility building at an alarming rate. Johnathan's fists were balled so tightly, his knuckles were a vivid white. He stands face-to-face with the aggressor, his jaw clenched and fists balled.

"How about just a little respect?" Johnathan drags his words through his teeth.

"How bout' you fags go home?" Johnathan's eyes narrow at his word choice. The group of people the aggressive man came from instigate a fight with words similar to, 'get them' and 'don't take that from him.'. The tension between the two grows so thick, its almost as if you could slice it with a knife. As a result of this tension, Trace begins to become uncomfortable and attempts to calm his lover.

"Hey, its ok. He's not worth it, let's just go home," Trace says, walking closer to Johnathan and laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Trace, back up. I don't want you to get hurt." A look of hurt and terror comes across Trace's face as he backs up obediently. Trace questions why this is happening, and why this had to happen now. The man snickers,

"Yeah that's right, listen to your boyfriend cocksucker!" The man yells as Johnathan steps between then, blocking his path and getting face to face. Johnathan's anger peaks, and he violently shoves the man, causing him to fall to the ground. The man gets up quickly, and retaliates with a sloppy punch to the face. Johnathan, hits back repeatedly wildly and unkempt. The man violently tackles Johnathan to the ground with a deep thud. He begins to land hits on Johnathan's face, and Johnathan flails his arms, trying his best to grab something, scratch something, or do anything to get from such a vulnerable postion. Johnathan roars angrily, and throws the man from on top of him, quickly mounting him and throwing flurries of punches at his face. He strikes the man unrelentlessly, even after his fists were coated with a layer of fresh, crimson blood. His eyes no longer resembled humanity, he embodied anger and revenge. All the chants of instigation and yells close to a minimum, and only violent cracks and grunting can be heard. Trace goes against his lover's orders and dashes to the fight, dragging his battered love from the defensless man.

"Stop!"  Trace tries to bring calmness to Johnathan, putting both hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look at him. Tears inadvertently come to Trace's eyes, and he doesn't care about stopping them. He hugs Johnathan passionately, and they rock back and forth, not paying any attention to the dispersing crowd. The man's comrades drag his limp body from the ground, and take him to saftey, mumbling curses under their breaths. Trace lets uncontrollable tears slide from his cheeks into the torn fabric of Johnathan's shirt. Johnathan pulls back,

"Are you okay, Trace?" Johnathan wipes the tears from Trace's brown eyes. Trace solemnly nods, and they get up and head to their car, getting in and starting the vehicle.

It's a silent ride home, and Johnathan grips the wheel tightly. Not another word was spoken until they pulled up to Trace's apartment. After unlocking the door, Trace leads Johnathan into his neatly cleaned apartment. He vanishes into a separate room momentarily, leaving a bruised Johnathan behind. He comes back into the room with a stool held in both arms.

"Sit here," Trace instructs as he places the stool in the living room. "I'll be right back."

End of Part 1. Next part is a little more lighthearted.

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