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hisdream girl his dream wife anytime you have a woman in your head like there's atype of woman that gay men love them and you're gonna put them out there likethat do you see the double  standard there me and the majority of women havejobs just like I just defined right there you know why because they're safe andsecure they provided a little salary they keep them broke just enough to keepthem coming back to work they drive their little Toyota Tercel they live withtheir roommate or their cat or their dog and then they sit there and believethat I'm impressed impressed you probably got $60,000 in student debt minimumnow tell me what do you bring to me that I would even consider getting into arelationship with what what possibly could you bring to me because you don'thave an entrepreneurial blind set you have one of these

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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