My Personal Vigilante

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It happened so quickly, Jesse was stunned as she stood behind the recliner she looked down at her hand it was holding the bat and it suddenly, felt heavy while she gripped it tightly her knuckles remained white as she clutched it and the blood slowly drips onto the floor, slowly, it dripped like molasses's dripping from a tree. She starred at Nate sitting there not moving
an inch he was dead, she had killed him , it finally happened she never thought it would she would never kill him. Not her she wasn't the type of person to take a life how could this of happened. Did Nate finally push her too far, Jesse stood there pondering the last ten minutes of her life in complete disbelief about her own actions. A moment later as if someone had given her a shock, she quickly looked around the room trying to think of how she was going to get rid of his body. She nervously paced around the house searching in cupboards and drawings she grabbed duct tape, plastic wrap, and she quickly went out the back door near the kitchen and came back with a large black tarp from the garage. She lifted Nates body with great difficulty and dropped him down on the tarp that laid on the floor Nate was a slightly heavier man and she struggled while she used the plastic to wrap his body trying to stop the blood, then she rolled his body as she heaved him rolling him into the tarp. After he was rolled up she used the duct tape covering every inch of the body and she used the rug beneath him to drag his remains through the kitchen out into the back yard. She put the remains in the back of the pick up, she walked into the garage and grabbed any thing she could use to bury the body she grabbed a flashlight, a shovel, a rope, and a few bricks, she jumped into the truck and began driving . Her heart raced as she drove down a country road, she had remembered there was a swamp about an hours drive she could bury him there no one would find his body in the swamp. Animals would eat his remains leaving no evidence, thats perfect she thought if they can't find a body, then there was no way to be caught by authorities. By the time she arrived at the swamp it was cold, dark and she would be able to get rid of the body without worry of being seen. Jesse makes sure she hides the truck while she dumps the body into the swamp, she drags it out of the truck and drags it along the ground then stops. She reaches the water and she finds a deeper area of water to place Nate she then  ties the rope around his waist and ties the bricks to the rope. After she grabs the shovel as she lifts it into the air she hesitates ,she takes in a deep breath and her tears begin to flow she looks down at the tarp and she quickly lifts the shovels and hits his face with great force. She lifts her arms again and swings with as much force as she could muster up. This time she could hear the bones cracking, she sobbed as she took the last swing directly hitting the front of his face disfiguring his identity. She dropped the shovel and placed her hands upon her knees with great emotion, her sobbing continued but within silence her tears dropped. She stepped into the swamp dragging the heavy tarp in behind her with struggle Jesse brought the body far into the swamp were it was deep water and thick in weeds, branches and this would keep people away  she calculated in her head. She releases the body and watches it sink down as the bricks dragged it  down deeper. She stood a moment then left the water, she gathered the tools she used and placed them back into the truck. She continued to drive another forty miles to an old abandoned house there was nothing left it sat in the middle of nowhere, not a soul near the location it was perfect. She took the tools behind the house to an old tool shed she placed the tools under a board beneath the tool shed, she covered it with rubble and left confident, that no one would ever be wise enough to know that she had murdered her husband. Jesse drove home and burned her clothes then she went into the living room, she looked around the bottle was still sitting on the side table she could smell his cologne her heart trembled and the nervous panic came back as she starred at the bottle she grabbed the bottle with hatred and poured it down the sink. She then scrubbed the sink with bleach the smell of the liquid made her stomach turn, she then stiffened her back. She then cleaned the mess and went to bed physically and mentally exhausted. The next morning Jesse woke up she walked out into the kitchen started her coffee and began reading her paper, suddenly the phone rings she places her coffee cup down calmly then stands up to answers the phone. It was her husbands boss, wanting to know where her husband Nate was she was confused he should've been there, she told him. she didn't know where Nate was, she hadn't seen him and she hung up the phone after a moment she smiled sat back down and began to drink her coffee wondering what happened to Nate he should be home soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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