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THIS STORY WAS WRITTEN IN 2019. it was poorly written, so please don't expect too much!

enjoy reading <3

[3Rd persons POV]

As school time ended, (Y/n) along with her friends were chatting in front of the school's gate.

"So, (L/n)-chan... how's your relationship going with Kashima-kun?" One of her friends asked. She curled up a smile and answered, "Me and him are good. No arguements at all." She didn't exactly know if there would be no arguments for both of them, but she hoped so.

"Ah, that's great! You both are really such a cute couple." One of her friends once said again.

(Y/n) could only chuckle and her other friends started to tease her about their relationship.

After teasing and all, Ryuuichi finally arrived in front of her school and called her out, "(Y/n)!"
His girlfriend heard his call and turned her head to the owner of the voice. She smiled and said goodbye to her friends.

When she started walking towards him, her friends started teasing her again.

She blushed and hid her cheeks with her hands in front of Ryuuichi. On the other hand, Ryuuichi just chuckled and Kotaro waved his hand at her.

(Y/n) noticed Kotaro's appearance and smiled widely. "Kotaro!" She called out and started to walk a little bit faster and her hands were stretched wide out to hug him.

As she was close, (Y/n) crouched down and Kotaro walks over to her slowly, then got wrapped around her arms as he received a hug.

[(Y/n)'s POV]

As I hugged Kotaro, Ryuuichi fake coughed and said, "I don't get any hugs?" He pouted.

I giggled. I then broke the hug that I was giving to Kotaro and went over to him and hugged him, my hands behind his back and my head resting on his chest. He then hugged me back and I heard my friends teasing me from the far distance, again.

My cheeks once again turned into a tomato and carried Kotaru, then held Ryuuichi's hand. After that, I walked away from my school and friends while dragging Ryuuichi with me.

"(N/n), are you sure you want to come with me and Kotaro to the daycare that I'm going to be-" Ryuuichi began to speak until I cut him off, "Yes!" I said as I turned around to face him and my (E/c) orbs were shining.

"I wanna see other little kids too!" I ended as a smile grew on Ryuuichi's lips.

He nodded and then started to walk again, his hands still holding mine.


As we three arrived, Ryuuichi led the way to the chairwoman's office.

Soon as we were in front of the door, Ryuuichi knocked, and a voice said, "Come in."

Without any hesitation, Ryuuichi opened the door and we both walked in. "Excuse us," Ryuuichi said as he closed the door behind him. I looked at the woman in front of me and she said, "Took you long enough."

Ryuuichi soon stood beside me and said, "S-sorry."

After he said that, Kotaro had to say "Shaggy" but in a small voice. I widened my eyes and closed Kotaro's mouth gently and chuckled awkwardly.

Her eyes moved from Ryuuichi to me. "Who's this girl?" She asked. Ryuuichi answered, "She's (Y/n), ma'am. She came with me to accompany me, and the boy she's holding is my little brother, Kotaro."

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