Chapter 1:Why does the world hate me!?

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Chapter 1

Why does the world hate!?

-Jacob's POV-

God, I hate life!

Oh and life hates my guts!

Why does everything just want to ruin my life? Really!? Why can't I just be a normal teenager? I mean, my dad having lots of money is great but why can't I just have one day were I wake up without my dad racing out the door? Nope that will never happen unless he doesn't have work and even then, he sleeps until 12 in the afternoon. My father is Oliver Cross, CEO of Cross Corp, it owns all kinds of things such as hospitable, Stores, hotels and all kind of things. Yeah... this company has been in my family for four generations.

And adding on to that, dad is getting remarried, and not to just anyone but Mary Wooden the sweetest, scariest women that you will ever meet. She became my dad sectary two years after my mom died in a car accident, dad by then had barred himself at work and would barely even come home. That's when Mary snapped him out of it, she yelled at him about how he wasn't a good enough father for me, and then she yelled about how she was a mother to a pair of twins. Dad became happier after that because of her but soon she quit.

She fell in love with my stupid dad but decided to run away from him instead telling her feeling for him... Yeah sappy love story, I know... Dad ran after her, told her that he loved her, and now a year after that all happened they decided to get married.

Oh I still remember how my grandma reacted when she met Mary, she though money on the table (like she always did) and told her "leave my son and you can have this." Mary just picked up the money and though it right in grandma's face and started to yell about how no one could pay for her to stop loving somebody with something as stupid as money and how if she need money she could just go cry to her older brother Alexander Wood (CEO of WOODS). Thus this was grandma's money test, if the women took the money, she would know it was only for money no love at all.

See my grandma was forested into marring my grandfather who only thought about himself, and money. Well she was already in love with someone else at the time and she refuses to let that happen to her son.

Yeah! See! Life hates hate's me, my grandma, and my mother!? Why can't it be someone else who has a stupid screwed up life! Why couldn't I have been born in Naruto and become a ninja to hunt down Sasuke!? If I did become a ninja I would kill Sakura and blame it on the fact that she's stupid, walking into a hole then she magically died. Or maybe I could be born in soul eater!? Please let me be reborn! Pretty Please with cherries on top!! Oh come on world, I will never complain about you hating my guts life! Please!?

"Jacob!" Yelled a deep dark husky voice from down stairs. It was my dad, I could already picture his light blond hair messed up instead of his hair pulled back like he has for work and his probably still in his suit from working all day like always.

"What!?" I yelled back, I know what you're thinking 'why is he rich and doesn't have a maid or butler looking after him?' Well I can do everything on my own because of my mother, thank you very much. Other than that we live in a big house no maids, no butlers, but if I did have a butler it would be Sebastian Michaelis because he is just one hell of a Sexy butler. Well back to the house we have 8 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, pool, and everything else a house has.

"Remember we're leaving in 20 minutes for dinner!" Hmmm... food... Me like food! I jumped off my bed, slipping my dark black basketball shorts off and replace them with black skinny jeans. I pulled my blue t-shirt off and grabbed a dark green button up shirt from the closet and put it on.

I rushed over to my bathroom, so I could looked into the mirror at my messy chocolate brown hair that swooped over my glasses and covered my bright green eyes. "I really need to brush my hair..." I grabbed a brush off the counter and combed though my thick hair.

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