Happy 1st birthday

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The bubble of a tear runs down her face as a roar of singing and laughter erupt around her. It spatters onto the red velvet cake and disappears. Isabella looks next to her in the seat where her sister was exactly a year before this.
       "Cha cha cha," the voices finish. Isabella looks up since her thoughts were interrupted. She inhales deeply and let's out the air, blowing out the purple swirled candle. She knows the wish thing is stupid. But what else can she do but hope. Please bring my sister home to me.

         A few hours pass by and Isabella stands on the cool porch waving bye to the guests. It would normally be hot in June but it was 9:00 pm so everything was cooled down. Once the last car pulled away, Isabella quickly runs up her house's swirling steps. The stained wood of her old house was becoming chipped, so she kept her distance of the bannister.

         Isabella grabs the gold handle of her door and swings it open. She locks the door and rips of the poofy blue dress her mom made her wear. Her turquoise pajama set lays on her bed as she quickly puts it on and lays down. The moment her head hits the pillow, she's asleep.

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