Chapter 1: Page 1

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Why does everyone keep staring at me? Is there a problem? Am I that ugly?! Why do they keep staring?!
I walked to class in silence. My hood covering my face, and I crept passed the teacher so he wouldn't notice.
"Take your hood off Mr. Parker, you know better." The teacher called.
"S... Sorry..." I sped to my desk in the back if the class. I took my hood off as soon as I sat down.
"Before class begins, you all know about yesterday's assignment, and I know that at least some of you didn't even attempt to complete it. So, you all have 15 minutes to look over to homework, finish it, and have it turned in by the time I call for it. Understand?"
Everyone nodded.
I sat in my chair and dug my homework out of my bag. Setting it on the table for the teacher. That's when he walked in....
His eyes were green, and his hair was a light brown. The girls stared, and the boys looked up in disapproval.
I looked at my homework as his eyes scanned the class room.
"Dakota, what is it you need?" The teacher stood up.
The straight A, athletic student had just walked into the class room, and everyone started kissing his ass. I rolled my eyes.
"Im here to inform everyone about the up coming election. As your class president, I came to try and persuade you into electing me again this year."
I zoned out for the rest of his speech.

I walked out of that class. Something made me dizzy at the end. But I didn't really talk note until I walked out of the class.
Jaden walked up to me. "Dakota! What are you doing here? I thought you had already went home, since you already have all your work done..." Jaden trialed off. "Thanks for the concern but I need to give that speech at the assembly today." I started walking. "Oh, well good luck. See you at lunch then? Coach needs us to explain the up coming game." Jaden stated. "I know. I'll be there for it. Now, please excuse me, the office needs my help." I walked passed him and got to the office quickly.
"Afternoon Dakota, what are you looking for today? The usual?" The assitent asked. "Actually, Im here for practicing my speech of later today. It's going to be busy for me." The office door slammed open, and a student came in and sat down. I looked him over and shrugged it off. His brown eyes wondered about the room. His hair was a bit messy, and it covered one of his eyes. His hoodie was to big on him. "Caleb... Nice seeing you here again..." The front desk hesitated. "What are you here for today?..." He glared at her.

I was waiting for the bell in class so I could give my speech. Clam down, it's one speed, you'll be ok. The bell rang and I stood up. "I'll be off now Mr. Rugaski. I have the speech today." He was out of his seat in seconds and out of the classroom door. "Good luck babe!" Brook spook up. I glanced at her and smiled softly.
I walked into the adutoruim and looked at the other two candidates. Sat in my assigned seat and waited for the students to fill into the room.
-After the speeches-
I bowed with the other candidates, and headed for the doors. I went straight to my bike, and home...

I unlocked the door cautiously. Stepping in and setting the bag of alcohol on the side table. "CaLeB? ArE yOu HoMe?!" father called. I ran straight to my room. Shutting and locking my door. I threw my bag onto a side chair, and threw myself onto my bed. "OPEN THIS DOOR!!!!" My father started banging on the door. "GOD DAMNIT!!! FUCKING OPEN THE GOD DAMN FUCKING DOOR!!!" I burried my face into my pillow. I started shaking. The banging continued, and than he heard a crack in the door. "FUCKING LET ME IN YOU FUCKING QUEER ASS BITCH!!!" I opened the window and went onto the roof. After on the roof, I shut the window and jumped off of the roof. Knocking the wind out of me, but I got up and started running.

12:00 am-
I was still walking around the neighborhood. I stopped every so often to look at my dad's home. The lights were on in different parts of the house. The curtains open and that's when I noticed it. My dad was covering up a girl's mouth. I couldn't make up the face, but I seen that they were having sex. I threw up, turning around and running again. Than I heard a branch snap behind me. I turned around and seen some sort of animal... Growling as it took a step closer to me...

I was up doing home work still. Well, not really homework, but working on a resume. I looked up to see a picture of my dad in his uniform holding my mom's shoulders. I sighed and went back to filling out the resume. "Dakota, dinners ready!" My mom called. "coming!" I called back. I set my pencil down and walked to the kitchen.
"You do so much work around here baby, why don't you stay home tomorrow?" My mom asked. She kissed my head.
"I enjoy the football team, and soccer. I can't just not go to school momma. I think I'm going to take a walk after I'm done eating." I started eating.
I finished my dinner and rinsed my plate off. "sleep well mom!" I called out. I grabbed my pocket knife and went outside for a small walk.
The stars lit up the night. I walked to the light pole at the end of my block, and I seen a wolf and one of my class mates.
I ran up to the tree that the boy was up against and climbed up it.
I tapped on the boys shoulder and grabbed his hand and helped him climb the tree as the wolf went on a full sprint to us.
I tried to move my leg out of the way, but it was to late as the wolf dug hos teeth into my leg. I grabbed my pocket knife and opened it, stabbing the wolf in the head.
I felt it's grip loosen on my leg and fall to the ground.
I felt light headed, and did my best to get to the ground safely.
I passed out after I got to the ground. Hearing the boys voice as I fell unconscious.

I jumped out of the tree and seen Dakota on the ground unconscious. I picked him up and ran down the block. I had no clue where he lives, so I ran to my place. I had no other choice but to use the door. Thankfully my dad was out in his room. I set Dakota on my bed and ran to the bathroom to get the first aid kit and rushed back to my room, and shut and locked my bedroom door. I rushed over to Dakota and poured rubbing alcohol on his wound and I cleaned the blood off of him.
I know it's bad, but I took his clothes off of and replaced then with some of my own.
I didn't want him to sleep in blood stained pants!
I got some extra pillows and blankets from my closet and laid them out on the floor, even if I don't sleep tonight, it's still something. Plus I don't want Dakota to wake up and go down stairs to see my dad with another woman in the morning.
Till than I'm going to rest, and wait for school in the morning.

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