Welcome to the Phantomhive Estate

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Your POV

"Mother, why did I have to come with you to the Earl Phantomhive's estate?" I look over at my mother as she smooths out the fur on her jacket. She is the head of a large company and is coming to discuss buisness with the young Earl. This is going to be really boring, I think to myself Ias I stare out of the carriage window. When we get the the mansion, it takes my breath away.

As I walk up to the front steps, my heart skips a beat. This truly is a spectacular mansion, I think to myself as I knock on the door. Almost instantly, a tall handsome butler appears at the door. "Aagghh-" I stumble back from shock as I did not expect someone to get to the door that quickly. When I am almost to the ground I feel a hand on my back.

"That would have been quite a fall, Lady (y/n)." Sebastian slowly pulls me up as his fingers curl slightly around the side of me. "Thank you... What is your name?" I say as a slight blush forms on my cheeks; recalling his touch on my back.

"My name is Sebastian, but you shall call me whatever you like Miss (Y/n)." I nod as he takes my suitcase and leads me inside. I look around me and see the beautiful ballroom surrounding me. I turn around and see my mother walking up to me. "See, it's quite lovely here. I'm sure you will be occupied."

I sure will with such a handsome butler around, I think to myself but quickly shake the lecherous thought out my head. "Follow me, Miss. I will show you to your room where you will be staying for the next few days." I follow Sebastian as he leads me up the stairs and down a long corridor until we finally reach my room.

When I enter the room, I'm speechless. "Oh Sebastian.. This room is just lovely! Please thank the Earl when you see him." I am already searching my room when Sebastian yells to me. "Oh and the young master told me to watch over our guest. So if you need anything at all, and I mean anything, just ask." After he left, I got changed into a more presentable dress since dinner would be soon. Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad time afterall, I think to myself as I start heading towards the dining room.

Dinner was extraordinary; yet the conversations were such a bore. It was all just buisness talk between my mother and the Earl, and the occasional compliment about the meal. After dinner was done, I went back up to my room. As I was walking towards my room, I accidentally bumped into Sebastian. "Oh I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attentio-" I was cut off by the feeling of soft silk against my lips.

Sebastian slowly removed his hand away from my face as he started to talk. "It's ok, it was my fault anyway. And it seems as if some of the tea has spilled on your dress; let me get that for you." He slowly removed a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped away the tea from my sleeve. As his face got closer, I could see something in his eyes. It wasnt disgust... Its wasn't lust... It was almost interest, as if he was intrigued by something.

Sebastian's POV

As I leaned down to wipe the tea away, I caught a scent that I couldn't ignore. It was an intoxicating smell, and I could tell it was coming from Miss (Y/n). Such a sweet smelling soul, I thought to myself as I continued to wipe away the tea."It is all gone now, and the dress should be fine." I looked up at (Y/n)'s face and I could see a blush spreading across her face.

"Well g-goodnight Sebastian." (Y/n) said before running off to her room. Why did seeing her blushing make me feel... good? I couldn't develop feelings for a human maiden, or could I?

Intoxicating Love ((Sebastian x Reader))Where stories live. Discover now