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Our feet hurried to the front desk of the hospital. Now that I'm here, my heart is finally going at a steady pace. I could only imagine what Chase was thinking. The whole ride I saw him breaking a sweat. "What room is Celeste Hamilton in?" He asked the front desk lady in haste. His hands slammed the desk, not trying to catch a breath.

The lady takes her time typing on her computer with her perfectly manicured nails. Chase, begins to get a little impatient, I put my hand on his back to try and ease the worry. "She was just admitted to recovery room 9..." before she can even finish her sentence, Chase had run off to the elevators. "But I need your ID." She is quick on her feet.

"I'm sorry." I pull my ID out and give it to her. "It's his sister. I'm sure you can understand." I smile once I got my ID back and walked away.

I caught up to him near the recovery floor and managed to find her room, but no one can go in there right now.

"You guys made it." Mary comes up to us with open arms, teary eyes.

"How bad was the crash?" Chase asked her. "How is she? What did the doctor say?" He has an abundance of questions.

"The car is wrecked. She's ok now. It's only a few broken bones. The worst is that she had a sharp long glass in her leg. She lost a lot of blood when they were trying to take it out, and they almost took the baby out. But she is recovering now, and the baby is fine. She's on bed rest for a while."

"Who was the fucking drunk that did it?" He continues to speak about a drunk crashing into Celeste, not realizing his drunken tendencies. But today isn't the kind of day to bring it up. 

"Can we not do this now? It was a hit-and-run. He couldn't have gone that far, his truck was in the scene."

"You're telling me they haven't caught that son of a bitch?" His voice rises, and I instantly grab his hand as we catch eyes from around the floor. Nurses stopped to stare at us and few even hushed us. Somehow holding him helped because he gripped my hands harder.

"How about we go sit." Mary walks to the waiting room, and we follow.

Calvin is sitting up with his phone in his hand, and Trevor is sitting forward, biting his lips and fingernails. His leg cannot seem to keep still.

Poor Trevor.

I feel bad that he has to deal with this. I walk up to him and remove his hands from his mouth. It's a habit that we both can't seem to break, but I need him to know it's ok, and that I'm here for him.

"She's ok." I try to remind him. I could only imagine how they all feel at the moment. Celeste and I only talked a few times and I feel torn about this.

"I know she's ok. I can't seem to feel like something going to be wrong with the baby." It's my fault. She asked me to go to the store for her. She was craving brownies, damn brownies. I could've done that, should've done that."

Brownies. We both laugh at the idea and Chase looks at us as if we lost our minds.

"She craved brownies," I tell him.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Chase asks me, his brows furrowed.

I shake my head and turn back to Trevor, Chase isn't one to talk to when he is this upset.

"The baby is fine, Trevor, don't worry." Mary puts her hands on his shoulders. "I'm sure the baby would've loved the brownies though." Mary finds laughter in this uncertainty.

Calvin's phone goes off and he placed it to his ears. He doesn't show any signs of trouble or tension.

"Could you get off your phone for once and be more involved? Your pregnant daughter could've died in that crash along with your grandson!" Chase shouts at his dad, I did not expect it, but I am not surprised.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now