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I walk towards the door since Chase was busy in the kitchen. I must as it his ability to cook strikes me pleasingly. But his kind gestures almost seem good, too good to be true. I've known Chase long enough to know he doesn't do kind gestures.

So what has shifted him?

I open the door, and the cool crisp air slaps my skin. A girl with bleach-blonde hair glances at the house number. "Can I help you?" I ask her. She fixes her coat while trying to glance inside the house. She showed an excessive amount of curiosity.

"Hi." She says blankly. "I thought I was at the right house. What's your name?"

"I should be asking you that question," I tell her. What the hell is wrong with her, and why is she here? Could she be looking for Roger? Or Chase. God, I hope she's not looking for Chase.

"Ashley." She holds out her hand out for me to shake, but I don't. It's awkward, and I have this strange feeling that I can't put a finger on.

"I'm here for Chase. Is he here?"

And there it is.

Why am I not surprised?

"Who is it?" I hear him walking up from behind me to the door. Maybe he'll be able to tell me who she is himself. I swear if he did something with this girl, I don't know how I can take it. I just started expanding my love for him. Though we never shared the magic words, i have a feeling he loves me too.

So he wouldn't hurt me, right?

At this point, I'm hoping it's another one of those crazy girls, like last time.

His mouth parts opens then closes again while looking at me, hesitating to say something. "She says her name is Ashely," I inform him.

"Ok, Ashley. What do you want?" He says it as if he doesn't know who she is.

Her eyes hit the floor while chuckling to hide the fact that she was blushing. "I just wanted to thank you." She smiles back at him. "I was able to find somewhere to stay."

"Uh-huh." He breathes swiftly. "Is that it?"

"I guess so." Her eyes move back and forth between the two of us. Her face is red, too red, it's not hard to miss it, and it's obvious she has an interest in him. The way she was laughing and how she was glancing at him made me think of the worse. Their short conversation was weird, but then again, the girl is probably obsessed with him. It's just some things I will have to get used to being with him.

He closed the door before I get the chance to. His eyes weren't focused on me. He just kept looking at the door. "What is she thanking you for?" I ask him curiously. There's obviously something wrong.

His shoulders shrug halfway. "I gave her a ride home one night."

His response was fast, too fast.

I can trust him, Right? I think to myself and shake the thought out of my head. Of course, I can trust him. He admits to everyone that we are a couple, and that's a huge change for him.

He continues to walk back toward the kitchen, and I follow. "Do you need any help cleaning?"

It's not like me to not ask people if they need it. I would want to do the same for him.

"I'm almost done. Here, have a slice." He hands me a plate with a sliced chocolate cake covered with icing.

"Wow, and you baked too? Are you sure you're not trying to have sex with me tonight?" I question him playfully.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now