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While standing in the theatre, I look around for Malinda

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While standing in the theatre, I look around for Malinda. "Hey!" I shout out from the aisle. She walks towards me with a smile, wobbling away, her walking reminds me of Celeste. But Celeste has yet to get to where Malinda is in her pregnancy. 

"Everything ok?" She asks.

"Have you seen Archer?"

She takes a double check around our surroundings before saying, "he must be in his office."

I had decided to call in for work today, just for a little while, to at least get some type of money while I'm in Paris. When I walk up the stairs to get to his office, I see Khloe walking out, mean mugging. She ignores my presence and keeps walking as I was about to say hi. I'm not sure what Archer did to make her upset. Hopefully, I won't walk out of his office the same way.

"Archer?" I knock on his glass faded door lightly.

"Come in." He tells me. I walk in and sit on the brown leather couches. His office is a decent size, and he has posters of each play. I'm guessing he produced them. "You work today?" His brows are lowered, and I suddenly can't help but think what he and Khloe were talking about. She seemed pissed not so long ago, and he doesn't look like a people person right now.

"No, I called Melinda and asked if I can come in for a few hours."

"Oh." His inner brows raise. "I figured you'd be getting ready for your trip with your guy." He places random papers to the side and folds his hand. He connects his eyes with mine.

"It's actually a class trip. He just happened to be a part of the class. He is the one that put it together for us." I adjust my smile.

"How can someone like him plan a Paris trip?" The fact that he's talking about Chase in this way makes me feel insulted.

"Chase is a busy man. He works under his father's company, well used to work under his father's company. And he's doing things for himself." I defend him as if he was here. If he was here, I already know he would defend himself in a psychical, harmful way, which is why I haven't said anything about Archer to him yet.

"Like what?"

I don't even know why I'm telling him this. I clear my throat to repurpose the reason I'm in here. I need to steer away from that. "I want to talk to you about my script."

"What about it?"

"With the Paris trip being so close and I'm going to be gone for a week, I won't have time to finish it. Plus, I have finales when I come back."

He sighs and leans back on his chair. "Amelia. You realize I'm giving you an opportunity that I don't just hand out to amateur writers like you. But because I like you, I'll give you an extinction. January 2nd."

"That's the day after New Year's," I tell him.

"I understand that."

"I might not be here around that time. My aunt always plans a New Year's party, and she expects me to be there." that's not the real reason, but I don't think I need to tell him, I plan on spending the day with Chase in a cabin.

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