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~Chase ~

What the hell is wrong with me? I ask myself this constantly and every time I do I get the same answer. I'm a fucking idiot

It was an exceptional night to tell her what was needed. Then that girl showed up. Here out of all places she shows. What the fuck?

Then I get a call about an investor backing out on my deal with Night Owl, setting me off the fucking rails. I didn't want to show Amelia my anger. I didn't want to scare her off. So I told her to leave like a moron and went to my room to smoke off the anger.

Now here I am at the hospital waiting for her to meet me and she hasn't shown. Her phone goes straight to voicemail, and the more I call, the more my legs began to shake. I need a damn blunt, anything to take me away from this sober. Calling once more, I get her voicemail where she forgot it was recording, up until the very last minute. I don't even think she realized this is her voice message.

  "Ugh! I can't wait to be discharged!" Celeste yells towards the hallway, warning the nurses to get her the hell out of here. "I miss my bed. And those bitches are taking too damn long. Distract me before I go crazy in pregnant mode. What's on your mind?" Celeste asks. She paces back and forth in the room even though she's supposed to be laying down.

"Nothing. I'm glad you're ok. Do you remember anything from the crash?" I ask.

She takes a minute to think to herself then shrugs her shoulders. "I remember driving down the road. Was I at fault for the accident? Mom won't tell me, she thinks I'll start stressing out about it. She says stress isn't good for the baby."

I shake my head, "There's a video of the road you took that night. You had a green light; it was a truck."

"A truck? Damn. She just told me it was a regular car."

"It was bad, Celeste. I thought I was going to lose you."

"Well, we're ok." She rubs her stomach. 

I'm glad they are ok too. 

"I thought Amelia was supposed to come with you?" She asks.

"I told her to meet me, but she's not answering. I'm not sure where she is." I shouldn't be too worried; I know she can handle herself. But sometimes, I know she cannot defend herself in certain situations. I think back to the night at the gas station where she was in trouble with those predators. 

I text her one more time just in case.

"It's a miracle she's still around," Celeste says.

"What do you mean?" I pick my head up to look at her.

"I mean, you're an annoying drunk, and she's a perfect lady. It doesn't correlate."

"I'm not an annoying drunk."

What the fuck is wrong with everyone calling me a drunk? If they want to see a drunk I can show them. Yeah, I have my moments but sense Amelia, I've shown restraint.

Not a lot, but a little.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be denial. Mom told me you stopped going to therapy. Why?" She tilts her head and questions me.

"Because I don't need it anymore. I'm perfectly fine and staying out of trouble."

"I wouldn't say staying out of trouble. She got an email from the sheriff's department about you getting locked up over a bar fight."

"How did she get an email about that?"

"You know Dad has connections. She wants to make sure you're staying out of trouble."

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now