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So, I had no other choice but to get on the plane with Trevor. I dreaded every moment since we were at the airport. All I wanted to do is run out and go to Amelia to tell her how sorry I am. This is why I am leaving her voicemails, mainly about how much I care for her, and I can't wait to see her again. Paris is beautiful. I am sure she would have loved it.

On the plane, I didn't have anything better to do besides ordering some drinks for myself.

If I were not such a screw-up, she would be here with me, taking in these beautiful sceneries and sharing a memory.

Instead, I have to do that with Trevor.

The one person I hate being near. Though I know we agreed to cut off the beef between us both since Celeste was in the hospital, he can still get on my damn nerves. I hate how close he is to Amelia; it is like, for some reason, they have this connection that I cannot even explain. They are twins with different parents.

"So, what room do I have?" He asks as we carry our bags to the lobby.

Since it was Amelia's spot he took, he technically has to share a room with me, but I am not letting that happen, so I paid extra for his room.

We reach the elevator, and he continues to talk to me. "Are you excited about this? Amelia would've been happy to see Paris." I snap my head at him with a mean mug. He looks at me uncertainly and looks away. "Sorry, didn't mean to mention her."

I roll my eyes and get out of the elevator. Once it was on our floor, we walked away separately. The drinks from the plane have my head feeling foggy already.

I did not mean to be a downer, but all I could do in this stupid fancy-ass room was think about her. Everything about her: her skin, smile, the way she looks at me with those big blue eyes, and how smart her mouth can get. I miss her.

What have I done? I might have just lost the best thing that had ever happened to me, and if I have not yet, I will when I tell her about Xavier.

Since it was the first night, we didn't have to do anything. I made my way to the bar. I had a round of shots, and I had them coming. Around my seventh shot, a long brown-haired girl that is about the same height as I tried to flirt, but I told her to fuck off. I ended up being slapped, but that doesn't matter to me.

I want Amelia by my side.

I hold the cold pack of ice on my cheek while glooming on my eleventh shot. I hiccup for the tenth time in the past three minutes.

"Why did I figure you would be here." I hear fuck face from behind me. "Jeez, man, what happened to you," Trevor asks.

"Amelia is what happened to me. And now I'm going to lose her." I tell him honestly. 

He taps my shoulders and sits on the stool next to me. "You don't know that. She said she needs to be by herself right now. Maybe she'll forgive you."

I shake my head and place the ice pack down. "No, she's not going to. Not after I tell her about Xavier." I puff.

"Who's Xavier?"

"My son. Violet was pregnant. Apparently, it's mine."

"No way." He gasps in shock. "Why didn't you tell me, dude? You know I was always there for you when it came to handling her."

"Did you forget I hate you?" I look at him through my hooded eyes.

"You reminded me almost every day."

I get up from the stool, and grasped it, trying not to lose my balance. I don't want to sit around here and talk to him while I am drunk. I'm sure I will say whatever is on my mind.

"Need help getting upstairs?"

"I don't need your help, Trevor. Leave me alone."

I woke up to the damn alarm clock going off. I had a dream that Amelia was with me. She turned over to me, the sun kissed her face and brightened her eyes. She was watching me as I sleep like she always does. I touched her smooth creamy skin and pushed my hands up her silk nightgown where she hid her perfect body from me. Her plumed pink lips brush against my ears as she tells me, I love you. I expected to wake up next to her. Unfortunately, that did not happen. I had almost forgotten the only reason I'm in Paris: to take this inspired literature group around the tour.

I popped some aspirin and moved on with my day. 

The tour was amazing so far. I could tell everyone was enjoying it, even me, for a bit of it. Once the tour was done, I walked out of the museum to catch some air. Of course, Trevor had followed.

"You know, I have never seen you like this. Even after the whole Violet thing, it's like you forgot all about her. If you're truly in love with her, then why didn't you stay and go to her?"

"Who said anything about love?" I didn't even tell him that I love her. How would he know?

"It's obvious, man, you're not one for a chase, but you made sure you got Amelia. You can't really hide your feelings that well anymore either."

I sigh and roll my eyes. "Can we not talk about her then? It would be better if I can get her off my mind for one minute."

"Ok, then how about we talk about Xavier?"

"Skip," I growl.

"We're both dads now." He taps me on my shoulders. "I mean, we went from playing around the house and being best friends with Roger to having kids. I find it crazy." Trevor grins. 

"Except, I don't want to be a father."

"You think I wanted to be a dad? I just had to toughen up and accept the fact that the kid can't be unborn. It already happened, and I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life not knowing my son. Trust me. It wouldn't be a good feeling."

"You're good at all that stuff, though. Your family is stable, and your father isn't a fucking moron who cheats on his wife. Let alone beat on her." I honestly tell him. 

His eyes widen in shock, "Wait, Calvin hits your mom?" 

"Apparently, he did when I was younger, which explains why I was never around him."

"Why hasn't anyone done anything about it?"

"She hasn't told me yet. I only know because I overheard her and Amelia. Amelia didn't even tell me." I shake my head.

"I'm sorry, man. For everything, honestly, I shouldn't have gotten with Celeste that night. Almost every day, I have to think about it." He surprisingly apologizes.

"You shouldn't apologize. It was my fault; I shouldn't have slept with Abbie." I remember that night, it was at a party, and I tripped off some bad shit. I don't even remember what it was. We took them together, and then one thing led to another. She was one of the main reasons I stopped doing hard drugs.

"Celeste loves you, you know. Since she was in high school, she fell in love with you. So, I had it coming. You guys were like meant to be, I guess."

"So, you're basically saying, you sleeping with Abbie did us all a favor?" He laughs, and I do the same.

The rest of the trip went smoothly. Besides the nights, Trevor had to save me from random bars. I'm not sure why I'm doing this to myself, but I want the pain to go away. The pain from losing Amelia and from my life changing to something completely different. Other than that, he and I talked a lot and caught up on some other things.

When I had fallen in love with her, it was the day on the boat. I didn't know how else to tell her that day. I knew I found the bright light that had shined through my heart and soul. Trevor suggested that I tell her everything when we go back, and I'm considering it. She will give it some thought and forgive me, or she will want nothing to do with me anymore. Either way, I'm tired of lying to her, and it's about time I own up to my mistakes.

In some ways, I'm thankful I got to talk to Trevor. It was like talking to an old high school friend, like back then. He, Roger, and I were the closest, and I had almost forgotten that.

I can honestly say this trip saved me and Trevor's friendship. 

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now