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Chase being at the garage after basically having a date with Archer, was unpredictable. I know Archer and I agreed it's not a date, but it felt like it for some reason. To begin with he was too kind to take the bill when I mentioned I will pay my half, and the fact that he kept bringing up that it wasn't a date, objectifies the idea. When we reached in the car, I noticed how he would make subtle movements to touch me, or even hold my hand.

Maybe if Chase seen it like a date, he would be as hurt as I am.

When I spoke to Rachel, she apologized for slipping my whereabouts to Chase.

The weekend is finally here, and I can now pack and move my things in the apartment. Trevor was too busy with Celeste, so I called Archer to help me and he was kind enough to come out his way to get me.

"Is that the last bag?" He asked while shoving two bags in his trunk.

"I hope so. I'm tired of moving bags." I puff out a breath.

"You better get some rest while driving to the new apartment because we're not done." He slams the trunk shut and heads to the passenger side to open the door for me.

I groan on my way to the door. "I just want my bed." but I won't have a bed to sleep on tonight. I am more than ok to camp out with blankets at the apartment.

The ride there wasn't bad, besides the constant stops from traffic. Archer was much calmer than Chase would have been. My mind instantly goes to the day he attempted to take me out to the theatre. I find myself missing him, even though I hate him.

I try to shake the thought out of my head since I am sure he's not thinking about me.

"We're here," Archer stops the car and puts it in park. The building of the apartment is a bit run down and have a few dirt from the lack of maintenance.

I press the button of the building that led to the landlord. "Who is it?" he speaks through the intercom.

"It's Amelia Bennett. I'm here for apartment two zero nine." I speak, with my mouth close to the speaker.

"Right! Ok, I'll buzz you in, come to my office first so I can also give you the key card to the building."

"Sounds good!"

I talked to the landlord, signed some more papers, then finally got my key and the key card to the front building door.

Inside of my apartment the brown brick walls inside have the New York atmosphere, unlike the campus apartments. There's enough natural lighting from the three rectangle windows,
so I wouldn't need to use the light switch all the time, and the floors are smooth.

"This is nice." Archer glanced around and placed my things down.

"It's cozy." I rush to the middle window that gets  decent view of the street, it's better than what I was getting at the old apartment.

I'm beyond pleased I got this place. I can finally say I have a place of my own.

I videotape the apartment and sent the video to Claudia, after she begged me for the millionth time.  After we finished unloading his car, I sat on the floor of my empty apartment. Pondering about it made me realize I came a long way since the day I came here. It was hard not to think about Chase during the whole thing. He was supposed to be the one to help me and experience this moment with me.

It sucks that he's not around, and there's nothing I can do about it. I can't go back to him, not this time around. How else is he supposed to know that he can't have it easy with me, there is consequences to horrid actions like this. No matter how much I love him, we need to be parted and move on.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now