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I watch the snow fall before the plane takes off. It hasn't even been two weeks since I left New York. I was only away for nine days, and I've been separated from Chase longer than that. now that we are together again, I can't help but miss him. The day I left to go back home, Chase took me to the airport. It was hard saying goodbye when we only just made up. We spent most of our holidays on the phone together, talking and sharing laughs.

Most of the time, our moments would get interrupted when he has to take care of Xavier. He respected the idea of me not wanting to do anything with the kid. Not yet anyways, we are still fresh and he's such an adorable boy, but for some reason, I still have my doubts about Chase being his dad. When he told me that Violet was the one that did the paternity test, I asked if he might do one of his own. He dismissed the idea, and nearly started an argument with me about it.

From what I've seen and heard, Violet can't be trusted. She's a sneaky bitch, quoted Celeste.

I stare at the men down on the ground struggling to close baby strollers and throwing luggage under the plane. If Claudia had seen the way they were handling these people's personal luggage she would have had a fit.

While I was home, Claudia disapproved that I decided to be with Chase. I didn't tell her everything that occurred, because I know what she would say. It was hard trying to get her to see the good side of him having a son, the role of a parent is starting to fade in on him, and he's not out drinking as much anymore. He took up my advice to start some type of physical movement to help with the thoughts. Running wasn't an option for him, the sidewalks were too slippery and the weather was extremely crisp.

I can honestly say Chase had made some improvements within the time I've been gone and even during our breakup, and all because he's a father. Or maybe his therapy sessions.

For Christmas dinner, Claudia invited Nolan and Ms. Funk over. She said it's traditional, and despite what he did to me, she still loves Nolan's mother. Let's just say Ms.Funk wasn't happy with the sight of me. She called me almost every name in the cheating whore book and didn't say a word about Nolan.

"I just don't see why you would do that to my son," Susie exclaimed. "He did nothing but be there for you when times got tuff, and there you were whoring around with some punk."

I drop my fork after picking at her nasty ass macaroni that she makes every year, ready to give her my own thoughts about Nolan, and not good ones.

"Susie!" Claudia yells before I can shut her mouth up. "I dont know what Nolan has mentioned to you, but your son isn't necessarily a saint either,"

Susie bluffs her flat brown hair and pushes her seat away from the table. "My son may not be perfect but he isn't fornicating before marriage. He's a good Christian boy, raised well. Meanwhile, your niece was raised by drug addicts and drunks. It's a shame you weren't there to put a stop to it."

I shied away at that point and watched Nolan's face turn purple, or maybe blue from the breath he was holding. He glared at me and mouthed, I'm sorry. I force a smile and tilt my head.

"Ok! Now you can get the hell out of my house! Your son has been screwing my other niece for the last few months, how's that for fornicating before marriage? And my Amelia, who may I say is technically my daughter, hasn't dared to do such things! She's in college making a life for herself. So please open your mouth again so I can stuff this dinner roll down your fucking throat!"

I grab Claudia's hand, warning her to cool down. Susie, will go to the church and start spreading gossip around. And I know what this hometown means to Claudia. Plus I am no angel or saint. I couldn't help but to hide the fact that I did have sex, just not with Chase.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now