Blood collar (Jigoku shoujo fanfic)

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Heya, a new story. I knowwwww, it's been long since i posted anything, but this piece of work was sitting all sad somewhere in my computer folder and I decided to finaly upload it somewhere  :3

I do not own Jigoku shoujo ( Hell girl) or any of it's characters.

Ren' P.O.V.

I was back in the Ai’s house after an another tough job. Others were still in the human world but I didn’t want to stay there today. It was my fault Ojou was almost hurt, I let my feeling drag me down. My emotions got in the way.  And I let them, I let them guide me. I still felt sad, and most of it angry at my cursed fate that all I could do was watch or worse, that I had to help.  I was such a loser. Ojou saved me from killing people she game me a human form, she gave me a choice, freedom. It all I ever wanted, but still I wasn’t able to pay her back. And even thought I should be grateful to her for all that she has done, I cant help but to be angry. Maybe what I felt was also hate. I wasn’t sure.

This red scenery wasn’t doing anything to improve my mood. No matter how beautiful it is, eternal twilight can get boring after time. And not only that, it still reminded me of my immortality, while so many other things I loved were swept into unavoidable demise.  

I crouched down, tried to blend into the surroundings, anything just to disappear for a few seconds.  

Then I heard some sort of a growl. What animal makes that kind of noise, I wouldn’t know.

But in front of me was a red and white fox. Yes foxes are usually not those colors but this one was pure snow white, with only a few specks of red on its head, paws and end of tail. Whit its light green eyes it looked deep into my eyes, or should I say eye, and I felt something. It was trying to say something, send me a message. It stared at me for a long time, but then it shook its head and gave up.

I was still so impressed by the creature sitting in front of me. It was really magnificent and so beautiful. I never was the animal person, but a weird feeling of ease came over me. if only I could touch its soft fur.

I kneeled next to the fox, slowly, not wanting to scare it away. It didn’t move. I wanted to pet it so badly, I reached my hand towards it and placed it on its head. The fox didn’t protest and it seemed to enjoy when I petted it. It was so soft I couldn’t resist hugging her and placing my head on its back. It didn’t move, and it didn’t try to get out of my grip. It was like the worlds best pillow. Slowly sleep enveloped me.

Ren, Ren …

Someone was quietly calling my name. It was a voice of a young girl. It couldn’t be Ai. She never calls me by my first name.

‘Ichimoku Ren!’ now that was a different voice and it immediately woke me up. I realized that the soft pillow I was sleeping on was now gone and I couldn’t remember why.

I opened my eyes and realized that I fell asleep on the floor in front of Ai’s house.

‘Huh?’ I said puzzled and rubbed my head, now it was beginning to hurt. ‘Oh, Ojou!’ I said when I noticed her. I stood up and realized that Ai was now talking to a fox. The same fox I slept on and met earlier. And yes she was talking to her.

‘So he couldn’t understand you?’ Ai asked the fox. The fox shook her head.

‘I see. You tried to tell him.’ Ai said out loud. ‘Then let me try.’

I didn’t know what was going on. I saw Honne Onna and Wanyuudo, equally surprised as myself.

‘You wish for something?’ Ai asked.

This time I heard something in my head, it was like telekinesis.

I want to be human. It was the same voice that called my name earlier, and it was apparently coming from the fox.

‘I cannot make that come true.’ Ai said and the fox lowered her head in saddens.

‘At least not a true human. I can give you a human body though,  if that is what you seek.’

Yes! Please!  The fox barked

‘But there always has to be a price. What will you give me in return?’

Tell me what you want. But I couldn’t possibly have anything you could take as compensation.

‘You do. Your service. You’ll serve me for a hundred years and then you’ll be free to do whatever you’d like with your human form. Do you accept it, Fox?’

It seems fair, and since there’s nothing I can offer but that, I must agree. I accept your offer, Mistress.  The fox bowed before Ojou as good as a fox could bow with its body.

‘Ichimoku Ren’

‘Hai Ojou?.

‘Bring me that collar’

‘What collar?’ suddenly something appeared in my hands. I looked towards Ojou but she kept staring at the fox. Hesitantly I handed her a piece of red leather with a bell, which was supposed to be a collar.

She kneeled next to the fox and put the collar around it’s neck. Then she stood up, positioning one of her hands on it’s forehead. A warm feel of magic flowed pass me, and trough Ojou into the fox.

A bright light filled my vision, and when I finally regained my sight, on a place where previously stood a fox, now laid a small girl.

She looked older than Ojou, but still younger than me.

She had completely white hair except for a few specks of red here and there, just like the fox. She was small and frail looking, her face pale, but with a slight hint of a red blush along the cheeks. She was sleeping peacefully before us.

'Ichimoku Ren. Take her inside. Honne Onna, Wanyuudo come with me.'

I picked up the girl's naked body, covered her with my jacket and carried her inside.

I decided to wait with her until she wakes.

Watching her I realised. A new puppet for Hell was made. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2013 ⏰

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