Dear loved ones 😔

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Arthurs note
WARNING INVOLVES self harm, and suicide. READ AT UR ON RISK.
And sorry if it crappy it's my first short story like this. Its something I had wrote done from a few years ago and I found it when going threw my stuff and decided to publish it. I did change up a few words from what it originally was because some words didn't make since and I added some stuff. Hope you enjoy though.

Alex was just a normal teenager who loved happiness and was cheerful but one day it all changed when she meet this boy who she truly loved and he played her. He made her do things she wasn't comfortable with and he made her send some pictures and one day he decided to put them online and when she found out she got made fun of and lost all her friends just because of some stupid boy. It was her Junior year and everyone gave her a hard time. She was depressed a lot. She barley came out her room, and she barley ate. So one day she had enough of the pain so she did this: she thought to herself  "if I cut it will help with the pain." But deep down inside she knows it really won't help. She walked to her bedroom door and locked it. Then she walked to her bathroom and grabbed a blade and locked the door. She was making a video and sending it to her loved ones. She lookes at herself and said "Your not worth living" Then she said "Me.Alex is a piece of shit nobody. She said this while making the video. She said she was sorry but she had to do it and she had no choice. She started to cut three lines on her wrist and then she turns of the camera sends it to her loves ones and post it all over line.  She then started to cut more and more until she feel on the floor and everything went black.

        Alex was in a ghost form and she didn't know it. "Where am i?" "And why is everyone crying?" She thought to herself. "Mom it's ok in right here" She said. She looked up and saw her body laying in the hospital bed. "What's going on?" "Why is my body here?" She asked. Then all the memories started coming back. She started to scream load and cry because it hurt her so much and she couldn't handle the pain. She tried to wake up for her family but she keep telling herself she needs to die. And no matter how much she tried to wake up her mind wouldn't let her. Her lifeless body just layed there. Cold ice, peal white. Her family just cried and screamed bc she chose to die.


Arthurs note:
Let me know what y'all think. Plz. And vote, comment, read and follow. ☺

Im sorry. But I was in pain.  (a short story)Where stories live. Discover now