Wrong type of luck(Chapter One)

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~Your pov~

Unknown: So you really wanna fucking do this uh?! What the actual fuck (Y/n)?!

You try to say something ,but you cant bring the words to come out. All you do is groan is pain making him more angry. He kicks you in your stomach. You spit out blood on then floor.

Y/n: Maybe I do-

He grabs his gun out then kneels down to your level and points the gun to your head.

Unknown: The fuck you say you bitch? UH!

You smirk and say;

Y/n: I said  I do. And also Pull the trigger you pathetic saying for a killer!

You scream in his face making him flinch a bit but not enough to let you see it.

Unknown: Fine any last words daddy's girl?

Y/n: Go. To. Hell.

He pulls the trigger and shoots you in your head. You Jump out of your bed in shock. 

Y/N: I-

You try to calm your self down from the nightmare as you grab a shirt right by your bed and wipe you cold sweat from your forehead.

Y/n: Its only an dream Y/n. Only a pretty messed up dream. Gosh.

You get up and walk to the bathroom. You  take off your clothes and turn on the shower water. You get in and scream.


You put on the hot water and it turns warm. You take a shower and get out the tub. You wrap a towel around your body and grab your makeup bag. You wipe the mirror and dry your hair. You start to put on your makeup, then your clothes

 You start to put on your makeup, then your clothes

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You grab your bag and place a gun your bag and leave your house getting into your car but someone in the back puts the hand over your mouth

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You grab your bag and place a gun your bag and leave your house getting into your car but someone in the back puts the hand over your mouth.

???:Make any sound and I will blow that pretty face of yours off you cunt!

You nod your head and roll your eyes. Then your take their hand off your mouth and grab your gun. He grabs your hand and look at you in the eyes. You pick up your gun and hit them with the butt of the gun, making then groan in pain. You leap into the seat behind you and you jump onto them. Sitting on their lap with the gun pressed against their temple.

Y/n: Who sent you and who the fuck are you?

They give off a cocky smirk and grabs your arm.

???:Your mother and father sent me her, y/n. Beware of starmea before they come to you.

Then they grab the gun out your hand and pull the trigger, shooting themselves. You stare at them with the blood on your face and hands.

Y/n: Looks like they've found me

You smirk

Y/n: time for Vinna Xanikno aka The death snake to come back again.

~Eunji- Im sorry its so short but it took me a while to think about what the heck I'm gonna put sadly. But at least its out and good I guess. Bye my luvs x~

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