Kindel (1)

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Chapter one

The sound of clashing metal rang loud, echoing through Kindel's thoughts. He remembered those times well, for they were what had sparked his passion for the blade. His older brother Kaden would train with his pa during the evenings and Kindel would often sneak along to watch for afar, dreaming of when he was finally of age for his father to being teaching him. He had hoped that when that day finally came his pa and brother would be there to teach him but his older brother had moved to the capital and became someone rather high in the ranks. Sometime after, his pa was injured, and he never fought the same. Kindel sighed as he pulled himself from his thoughts and back to reality. He was alone in the same field he would watch from afar as a child. It wasn't quite how he had imagined it, the field seemed dreadfully large for only a single person.

"Kin!" A voice called in the distance.

"Doren." Doren held two swords in either hand as he ran up to Kindel.

"You out here again? We'll be late for practice!" Exclaimed Doren, tossing one of the swords to Kindel.

"Sorry, let's go." The two boys sprinted out of the field.

Though it wasn't the same as learning from his pa, or his brother, Kindel decided to train to become a knight in hopes of working alongside Kaden. Doren, his best friend was training with him as well. Soon the academy stood high over head as they made there way around to the barracks.

"Kindel! Doren!" Mirai waved to the two as they approached the training grounds. "Your late." She said with a click of her tongue.

"Sorry, that's my fault." Said Kindel.

"Come on, quickly." Mirai grabbed both of their hands and pulled them along. The training grounds were packed as usual so no one noticed them as they snuck through the crowds.

"All right! I think we're in the clear." Doren said in a hushed voice.

"Who is in the clear?" They turned around slowly as Helder loomed over them.

"Uncle hel- I mean...grand master. Good weather no?" Said Doren nervously.

"Yes, good weather indeed. Perfect for training. So, where might you two have been?" Questioned Helder. As Doren was about to answer Mirai stepped between Between them.

"Sorry uncle! They were helping me in the gardens. I insisted and lost track of time." She lied.

"I see. Very well, you two! Get to you respective teachers then! Off with you!" He said, waving Kindel and Doren away with a flicking motion of his hand.

"Yes sir!" They said in unison.

As Helder left the three giggled to themselves. "Thanks Mirai, he probably would have thrown us into the woods for a night again if you hadn't stepped in." Said Kindel.

"Yeah, I remember last time we were late to practice." Doren shivered slightly. "That was horrible. Even took our clothes and weapons from us. Nothing but trousers in the cold fall." Doren shook his head to himself.

"Just do refrain from being late tomorrow." Said Mirai.

"No promises." Said Kindel as him and Doren began to walk away.

Mirai rolled her eyes at them but couldn't help the smile on her face. "Very well. Then your knight in shining armor shall await you at the gates again!" She yelled and waved back.

Doren and Kindel began a light jog and soon parted ways to their separate grounds. Doren was an archer but it was required for all knights to learn a standard short sword so in the evening after specialized training all the knights would gather for swordsmanship.

"Hey pip!" Gaius, Kindel's instructor called to him from one of the more empty fields. He used to call Kindel pip squeak when he was younger but now has shortened it to pip. "Get held up with your girlfriend?" He asked. Gaius was also convinced that him and Mirai were in love.

"No, just lost track of time is all." Replied Kindel.

"Uh huh." Gaius was unconvinced. "Well then. Let's catch up on training then shall we?" He suggested as he drew his blade.

"Of course!" Kindel said as he drew his own and stepped onto the field. The cool steel slid out of its sheath with a satisfying sound. The feeling of a blade in his hands made Kindel feel one more step closer to his brother, and every swing, one stronger.

"Alright pip, let us begin!"

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