Chapter 1: My worst Nightmare

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It was silent, almost peaceful. "That was just a dream right"? Last night Sergeant Brooks lost his best friend and brother on the battlefield. It had been four months of pure hell on this deployment.
Under heavy fire and backs against the wall, his worst nightmare became reality. "It's over, it's all over" Brooks held his head in his hands, the sound of the chopper drowned out the screams ringing in his head. An ambush took them by surprise last night wiping out his entire squad. Awoken by the sound of gunfire and explosions his team scrambled to their weapons. It was a fierce firefight that felt like an eternity, but in reality, lasted only 15 minutes. As Brooks checked the dead body's he came across a Russian soldier who was bleeding out, unable to speak from a wound to his throat. Brooks pulled his knife out and held it to the soldier's throat. "You piece of shit, you killed my brother!" The soldier smiled and spat right in his face. Brooks buried his knife into the man's throat screaming as he did. The dark night was over and so was the mission. A failure in the government's eyes, to Brooks it was a nightmare.

They landed in an open field, greeted by many top officials and medical personnel. Not the kind of homecoming Brooks expected. "Those Russians kicked our ass, I just wished Charlie would have made it home with me". "We are sorry for your loss son," said the president who was there to console him. Charlie was the little brother you loved to hate, always in the mix, yet he was loyal as hell. It would have to be a closed casket, Charlie took a direct hit from an RPG. "Right this way Brooks, we have a vehicle waiting to take you home". Brooks jumped in the back of a blacked-out sedan, the door slammed shut, and it was all silent once again, peaceful. Brooks broke into tears as the car drove off.

It felt like they had been driving forever, Brooks had passed out in the back and awoke to something he was not expecting to see, a prison gate. "What the hell is going on here? Driver where are we? Frantic and confused, he wasn't sure if he was in trouble or if it was a dream. That quickly changed as 3 men in camo pulled him out of the car, their faces covered with bandanas. Brooks struggled to get away but was no match against the much bigger brutes. They led him inside to what looked like an intake room of some sort where a man in a suit was waiting. "What the hell is going on? Where am I? The man took off his dark glasses and replied "Welcome home Brooks, we are sorry for your loss. Your brother was a true patriot and will be deeply missed? We are thankful you made it out and have an opportunity for you." Brooks looked around the room, he was surrounded by four guards and in front of him was the man in the suit.  The room was cold and smelled of sweat. "Thank you, but what am I doing here, I thought I was being taken home?"
"We have a job for you, we feel you are the best candidate." Brooks laughed knowing what was coming next. "Let me guess, you want me to be a guard for your prison right?"
"No, we want you to be a prisoner." A guard hit him over the head and he fell to the floor unconscious.

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