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"Ahhhhh get out of my head"I scream as my dad apperas in my visson"sweetheart are you ok?"my mommy asks.hi Im rosin a 10 year old girl of the planet astrion I'm a half blood my mommy is the queen of the light side and my dad is the king of the dark side yeah lucky no anyways where my story begins I'm ten to be honest I'm acttually 27 any ways my life isn't the best first my dad hangs out In my head and pretty much controls me (like a little babby man lol yogscast reference)then he wants me on the dark side for my birthday I mean COME ON!!!any ways here's where my story begins

           "Rosin?I have ordered a young man to escort and protect you on your way to...that man you call a father"my mother says walking in ti me bashing my head on the desk whispering get out get out "Rosin!what do you think your doing!you'll get a concousin!"

            "Why do I need an escort!"I groan with gusto

             "Because I don't want you getting corupted!"she said with genuine worry

              "But mom its what he wants he promised he would leave me alone if I'm corupted"I was siriously done with him making a home inside of my noggin.anyways she had a boy come in who looked older than me

               "Hi my name is jasper I'll be your escort"he said gruffly. To be honest he kinda scared me. Anyways we left and now for the story to begin

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