Chapter one

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Above is what Shadowseeker looks like, she also stands as tall as Soundwave so if you have trouble figuring out her height compare her to him in size.

A steady beeping filled my ears, I had never known sound but this one hurt. A slight buzzing within myself also caught my attention, there were voices too but they seemed to be more hushed than the annoying beeping I continued to hear. As the moments went by I began to feel heavy as if there were a new weight I had never known, slowly I dared try and move through this darkness that I saw. The voices had grown somewhat louder now but I ignored them, closing my eyes I opened them to a new world filled with colour, smells and sounds. Blinking a few times I allowed my new eyes to adjust to this alien light, lifting my helm I looked at the sources of the voices and the noises. I noticed three creatures as well as a few machines, my eyes were quick to focus on one creature however who had a singular eye and seemed to have a tube running from his chassis to my own. I felt attached to this creature as from what information I could gather he was my creator, the moment I began to move my legs the strange tube detached and the creature stood up as if expecting me to do the same.

"Well done Soundwave, a fine looking beast and from merely looking at it I hope it will be a formidable foe for our enemies," a large and rather terrifying creature praised, my creator nodded and two of the creatures left. My creator was quick to attach a new tube to my helm that connected to a device, I sat patiently curious as to what it would do.

**Time Skip**

After what seemed like a lifetime my creator who's name I learned to be Soundwave had transmitted all needed intel into my system, when he had finished I could just about name every bit aboard the ship they so happily called the Nemesis.

"Speak your name," Soundwave ordered using different tones of voices he had recorded, it was strange he didn't have a voice of his own.

"Shadowseeker," I replied with ease, Soundwave nodded as he typed a few words onto the device.

"Enemy?" He questioned, I searched my new information for the answer.

"Autobots," I stated my purple eyes focused on nothing but my creator, I would follow his commands unless stated otherwise. The sound of a door opening caught my attention and I trained my eyes on a rather scrawny mech, the mere looks he gave us disgusted me.

"Track and find," Soundwave ordered, the mech who's name I found to be Starscream through some information I recalled groaned before taking off. After a few moments Soundwave nodded and I leapt off the berth and lowered my helm to the ground, Starscreams scent held fear and annoyance but I followed it anyways. As I tracked Starscream I also began to scan everything that caught my interest, the sound of soft chuckling hit my sensitive ears and I lifted my helm and rotated my ears until I located the direction the chuckling and muttering was coming from. The moment a faint flash of silver caught my eye I lowered my body close to the ground and when I could get a clear shot I lunged latching onto Starscreams arm and pinning him to the floor, I slithered my tail to his neck where the blade made him squeak in fear. When I felt Soundwave's silent command to get off the terrified seeker I did so with a low growl, Starscream didn't look pleased at all by the sudden attack.

"Well at least your beast can understand your quiet nature," he grumbled angrily, when Soundwave dismissed him he took off at a quick walk while I turned to my creator awaiting my next exciting command. When he pointed to the screen on my chest I sat there confused for a moment before recalling my creation process and how my eyes were linked to the screen, lifting a paw I gently touched the screen and it began to display what I had scanned and what I was seeing. The sound of distant footsteps caught my attention and I let out a low growl, Soundwave simply waited for my attention to focus back on him before he beckoned for me to follow him. I switched the screen on my chest off as I followed Soundwave through the silent halls my ears rotating at every noise, soon enough we arrived at a strange area just outside the ship and a large green vortex appeared. Without hesitation I followed my creator through the ground bridge to find myself standing beside him at the edge of a mine, a silent signalled passed through us and I headed into the seemingly empty mine in search of our main life source energon. As I sniffed at the ground a strange scent hit my nose, following it instead of the energon smell I began to pick up the sound of small rocks falling and hushed voices. Soundwave followed my every move with deadly silence, as we rounded a corner I found my eyes locking onto three small creatures which my systems knew as humans and a yellow and black scout. Soundwave beckoned that we head outside and wait and so without hesitation I quickly followed him, when we found daylight I took a sharp turn and found myself climbing up a small hill of collapsed boulders. Soundwave waited patiently beside them to order my attack, when at last the scout and the three small humans left the mine I slowly made my way down and cut off their way back into the mines. The moment the sun glinted off my shining armour one of the humans turned around and let out a startled shout, Soundwave let out a silent order and I charged my jaws aiming for the scout or the pathetic creature he was holding.
By the time the scout turned around my jaws were already digging into his arm, the small creatures fled out of our way as I attempted to rip the arm from the bot. The scout let out both surprised and pained beeps and I enjoyed as his energon flowed like water from his slowly breaking limb, using the sharp blade upon my tail I sliced through one of his legs causing him to collapse. The satisfying sound of his leg hitting the ground was only made better when it detached itself from its joint and the scout collapsed, letting go I knew the scout wouldn't be able to flee like it seemed to want to. A praising hand ran over the top of my helm and I knew my creator was proud of me, letting out a growl I let the fresh energon drip from my jaws and tail with satisfaction.

"Surrender," Soundwave snarled using our leaders voice, the black and yellow scout glanced towards the treeline to where the small humans were hiding. Before Soundwave or I could do anything a ground bridge opened and three Autobots streamed from it shooting at us with angry expressions, dodging to the side to avoid a blast I scanned each Autobot to remember their looks as Soundwave summoned a ground bridge and I followed him through it.

Transformers: ShadowseekerWhere stories live. Discover now