Welcome to Blue Mountain Springs

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  "Walker!.... Walker Lee!" A voice called out in a semi-quiet home, the sound of footsteps followed with the creaking of an old door, "Yeah, dad? Did you fall again?" Walker called back to his father as he made his way down the hall to the wooden steps, "No, breakfast is ready, come get it. Afterwards help Priscilla with the dishes." The old man spoke, looking up at Walker from his wheelchair, "And wake your brother up, s'bout time for school." He added. "Yes sir." Walker nodded, making his way to the door adjacent to his.

Walker knocked gently, "Jimmy Dean, wake up if you're not already." He called to his younger sibling, "I am, you taking me to school?" His country twang a little thicker than Walker's, "Uhh, maybe, we'll see," with a shrug the older started back down the stairs, Jimmy following barely a shadow's length behind him.

"I'm working on it dad, it's just like everyone's got somebody working for 'em already," Priscilla shrugged, "It ain't about that Priscilla, it's about showin' 'em you can work harder than the rest they got." Her father argued. Walker sat at the table across from him and dug into his plate quickly, Jimmy sat beside his older sister, seemingly deaf to the whole situation. "Do you honestly think they're going to fire someone doing the same quality job I could do just 'cause I tell 'em, 'Oh well I could work better than anyone here', that's not gonna get me a job-" "You're damn right that ain't gonna get you a job, not puttin' it like that. Listen to what I'm sayin' Priscilla," "Dad, I am listening, you just don't get it, you haven't-" "Hey! I'll just ask Greg if she can come work there with me." Walker interrupted, trying to keep the two of them from getting into it again.

Most mornings had been like this, ever since Priscilla graduated out of high school, their father had been pushing her to start work, which after 12 applications put in with nothing coming back, it seemed impossible and incredibly disheartening. But still they argued about it, through redundancy and all. Their father was silent for most of breakfast until he finally chimed in, "... Alright.. thank you Walker." Followed by more silence until Walker responded with a small 'Yeah' before he was onto helping his sister with the dishes.

"Thanks fer driving me Lee," Jimmy Dean voiced as the car door squeaked open, "Mhm, lucky I didn't make ya walk in the snow." Walker joked with a laugh, "Have a good day goofball, don't get up to trouble ya hear?" Walker's fatherly tone rang in "Yeah, no makeshift snow slides this year," Priscilla chimed in as well with a friendly laugh and Jimmy rolled his eyes playfully "I won't, Scout's honor. See ya Lee, see ya Prissy, love ya'll." He laughed, walking away.

Walker stayed until his brother had gotten inside, then he took off to Fred & Greg's, the local grocery mart. "You think Greg will hire me on for real?" Priscilla broke the silence with her soft voice. Walker Shrugged, "I can't say for sure... I know we've been needing help sometimes but," Walker started, he sighed in thought before he looked to his sister for a brief moment, "Not a lot of people shop there anymore, not since Clover's came to town." He finished, watching the road ahead of him.

Priscilla was silent for a moment, then she sighed "I guess... I've tried Clover's ya know," she voiced like she didn't want to hear herself say it, like it wasn't even supposed to be said aloud. "And?" Walker asked, unbothered by it. Silence fell between them again for a moment before Priscilla spoke up, "Positions are filled," Walker nodded, "Like always." She finished, and it was quiet again. "This town is dying, you know it?" The question carried an obvious answer, one everyone who lived in Blue Mountain Springs knew. "I think Greg can spare a spot." And Priscilla sighed as the question she had posed was brushed off, "Well I hope, I'm tired of arguing every morning, damn it," she laughed a bit and Walker joined in.

"Hey there Walker Lee! Having a good morning so far? I mean besides the cold and all?" Greg called from the middle of the store, pricing items on the shelves, "Hi there Priscilla!" He added. The both of them waved and Walker put on his apron, "Yeah, so far so-so." He chuckled, Priscilla leisurely following behind him, "Well ain't that the best we do these days?" Greg half joked, Walker only shrugged "I reckon so." He replied, "Hey uh, Prissy's looking for a job, is there possibly anything she can do here for a pay check?" He added. Greg thought for a moment then he looked around, "Well, if she wants she can start decorating for Halloween, other than that uh..." he trailed off in thought, "Well I s'pose we need someone to help stock, so she can do that as well, how's that?" He asked and Walker nodded "Yeah, that's great, thank you so much." He voiced gratefully, "Don't even worry none," Greg replied, making his way to give Priscilla an apron, some decorations, and a name tag.

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