Kind Kindred

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The arrival of a warm, healthy spring brought with it the blossoming of season tested love and the birthing of a new generation. Amongst the fertile lands, one such kindred bond remained ever faithful and strong. Both souls had been frowned upon by the general populace, and yet found comfort in one another. Unlikely to succeed in their assigned roles, the outcasts had collapsed into darkness, fallen and forgotten by the wayside of life.

Roderich Edelstein came from a rich family, and was destined for success. However, he was far too effeminate and overly philosophical to garner any substantial suitors. He had no interest in pursuing women in droves, or seeking out the usual rich man's sports. The handsome soul was a joke, a mockery to what standards were expected of him. His lack of strength was replaced with a keen wit and an undying passion for the arts.

Elizabeta Héderváry had been one of the unlucky few to be born genetically unique. She had an ethereal, heavenly beauty that was unmatched. Her family initially had a plentiful bounty of young men pining for Eliza's hand in marriage. A fine gentleman was finally chosen, and the two were shortly wed. As peace and love swarmed the couple, a tragic, unchangeable curse dwelled deep within her mortal shell.

Weeks turned into months, and months grew to years, and the couple were never blessed with a single child. There was no heir, no one to carry on the family name. The young woman, so promising before, quickly became a bitter reminder of what never could be for her husband. She was infertile, barren and useless to the lead.

She was abandoned by the man she loved so dearly, swept up only by the pity of her mother. Trapped, her own family grew to despise her, and rumors sprouted up in the absence of the soul she wed. Despair and depression marked her every waking moment, while dreams served as her only escape from her cruel reality.

Everything changed that day however, on that warm sunny afternoon.

Fate had a plan for the undesired pair. Somehow, Roderich had heard of those faint whispers about a strange, cursed woman being passed between two vivid women. Intrigued, he abruptly cut off their playful banter. "Excuse me, who is this lady that you're talking about?"

The older of the girls stared at him, wide eyed before snickering. "You've never heard of the local witch? They say she's barren because of a deal she struck with the devil. Her spouse beat her somethin' awful, and she eventually had enough." she snidely blurted, oozing confidence in the lies she spewed.

"I'm afraid I haven't Miss. Where is this witch? What is her name?" the young man inquired, drawn by some indescribable fascination towards this unnamed victim.

"Something Héderváry, she still lives with her family at the other end of town. It's that big beautiful mansion. But I wouldn't recommend going," she warned in a quivering tone, "she hasn't been seen since her return home off of the streets. Might be pulling more dark magic on our town."

Roderich nodded before parting with a curt farewell. His mind was nibbling eagerly at the information he was given, indulging in meeting such a soul so similar to him. When he snapped back to reality with an uneasy stumble, he was surprised upon discovering he had arrived at the polished steps of the fearsome estate. Hastily he knocked on the thick door, announcing his presence to the household inside.

The door was slowly peeled inwards by a small, pale hand. Wandering from the comforting shade of the house, a youthful dream approached the man. Her face was red and puffy from the endless tears she shed, and her skin appeared supple and soft. The Austrian was stunned, and yet intrigued all the more. "Can I help you?" She meekly muttered, unsure of what business this attractive man had.

"Hallo. I am here for something... sie haben einen Namen?"

She softly nodded, allowing the man into her quiet abode. "Igen, my name is Elizabeta Héderváry." Relief washed over both as Roderich grinned sheepishly. This was the right place, and the hidden gem before him was the woman of legend. His heart swelled in delight, and his focus shifted forcefully to all the questions he had for her.

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