Chapter 1: Waves in Her Eyes

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Waves crashed against the dark damp wood of the ship as it glides on the icy sea. Men and women sleep in cots below deck as the boat gently rocks back and forth. But, all wasn't undisturbed in the cold night. The captain, Janette Combs, traces along with the ink of the sea on her map. The map is pinned to the desk with knives and a few rocks. She uses her compass as she swings her arm over the yellowed parchment. She ponders every inch of the paper until she mapped out a course. She stops tracing and places her white feather pen in the ink cartridge. Janette gazes at her work in pride when she hears an abrupt explosion outside her quarters. She rushes out to the deck and peers into the darkness, only to see a huge hole in the deck of her massive ship.

"Crew come alive. We're under attack!" Shouted Janette as she jumps to the wheel and takes charge. The crew moves back and forth in a hurry to load the cannons. Janette searches for her attackers through the dark mist. She couldn't see them from her position. She climbs to the crow's nest and grooms through the cold dense waters with her spyglass. She spots the enemy ship soaring through the waves. The ship belonged to Robin Carter, a fearsome captain in the Bahamas. He's conquered over 150 islands and plundered all of them. He's infamous for murders and theft. He steals anything he finds valuable, even women from the mainlands.

His ship raced toward them at an alarming rate and gaining speed. Janette grabbed a rope and quickly swung to the deck. She ran to the wheel and spun it as fast as she could.

"Hold on tight fellas! I'm turning this bitch around!!"

Waves rushed up the sides of the ship and onto the deck, soaking the crew, nearly washing them away. They gripped the rails for dear life and waited for it to stop spinning.

"Let down the sails! We need to get ahead of Robin's ship before he sends us to Davey Jones' Locker!!"

The crew scurried across the deck like panicked rats. Pulling ropes and letting down their white sails. They catch a breeze and they soar over the waves, leaving Robin behind. They headed westward for several hours until they reached an unfamiliar land.

"Since we managed to escape Robin, let's plunder this land of its treasure!" suggested a tall thin man from the main deck. He waited for Janette's approval. She pondered for a moment and gave a nod.

"Good idea Tucker. We must rob this new land of its loot before Robin gets his greedy hands on the whole island.

Les Corsaires Masqués set sail for the docks with swords at the ready. They let the anchor down with a splash and jumped to the dock. They stormed into town. Janette could see people running in panic. She enjoyed it. It was a familiar sight. She strolled off the ship and watched as her crew took every valuable in the area. She walked through the town snatching money from people's pockets as they run by. She was about to head back to the ship when she saw a huge house in the distance. It looked expensive and important.

She called back to her crew as they took their loot back to the boat, "Give me some time. I'm going to get the valuables from the big house up there!"

"Aye captain. Be careful we will give you 15 minutes," responded Janette's first mate, Cordelia.

Janette nodded to her and sprinted towards the house since she had limited time. She got to the door and pulled out her cutlass. She knocked on the door and held the sword out of sight of the host. A man in a blue ruff and a white wig greeted Janette, but before he could say anything he met with her cutlass straight to the chest. His ruffle shirt stained crimson as he collapsed with a thud. Janette stepped on the body with no remorse as she quickly started grabbing things. She put rings and coins in her pockets and stocked up on foods from the pantry. She was finishing up her looting when she heard a sword drawn from behind her. She sighed and turned around dropping her objects. She met the gaze of a slender woman in a white lace petticoat. Her long brown hair was pinned behind her ears and fell to her bodice. She managed to pull a sword off of the decorative piece above the fireplace.

"Now, princess, watch where you point that thing. Could lose an eye." Janette said wittily.

The girl huffed and moved the sword closer. Janette backed up to the table and stumbled a little; managing to catch herself. She chuckles and slowly moves her hand to her cutlass and pulls it out in a swift movement. The blades meet with a clank and the girl moves into position.

"You sure know how to fight well, princess. May I have your name before I send you to your doom?"

The girl lunged at Janette, "My name is Valerie. Give me yours so I can have you arrested for piracy and assault."

Janette twirled her cutlass and knocked the sword out of Valerie's hand. Valerie stopped in her tracks and moved away as Janette came closer pointing her sword at her.

"The tables have turned, princess. Any last words?"

Valerie smiled and rose to her feet. "Parlay."

Janette's eyes widened and she dropped her cutlass.

"How do you know about parlay? You're not a pirate."

"I have my ways," Valerie said cunningly as she slid past Janette, "Shall we get to the ship?"

Janette cleared her voice and proceeded to the door where Valerie loomed.

"Alright m'lady. We shall. don't want to keep the captain waiting?" plotted Janette with a grin. He gently nudged her out the door and closing it. Leaving the empty mansion in darkness.

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