Chapter One: St. Greed

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It was a chilly November evening in Virginia, I was finishing my paper work at the hospital for the night, about to head home. I was usually clocked out before eight, but on this night I had a lot of work to finish. Being a volunteer you're restricted to paper work and the minor things like checking a pulse. I've been at St. Greed Hospital since I was fourteen, slowly stepping into nurses shoes.

I finished what was left of my paperwork at nine p.m. when the Emergency Room doors flung open and a stretcher rushed in. The EMTs called for assistance. A young, gorgeous woman with tan skin and almost black hair was lying in the stretcher, I noticed a thin gash on her forehead and a couple bruises and scrapes on her exposed arms. 

She was wearing leather pants and boots with a black hand cut muscle shirt. Her arms had plenty of cuts from the accident and that wound on her forehead was bleeding, blood from it covering her beauty.

As the EMTs who rushed her in put her in the ER bed I saw another EMT come in. I knew him so I took the opportunity to ask him about her, curious, not a lot of action happens here in this tiny border town.

"Lukas." I said to get his attention.

He heard me and made his way over slowly. 

Lukas was a blonde haired, blue eyed man of twenty-three, he stood at six feet and was decently muscular. I saw him whenever someone was brought into the ER, we became quick friends.

"What's up?" He asked as he came over and lent up against the nurses station.

"What happened to her?" I questioned in returned, nodding my head in the direction of the girl.

Lukas turned to look at the room for a moment and then looked back at me, "The guy who called in said she was going about ninety down Highway 81 on a Harley, all I know is when we got there she was on the ground and we thought she was dead." 

A nurse in blue scrubs came out of the room and made her way to the nurses station swiftly.

"Billie, can you come stitch this one up? I prepped her. I have to go pick up my kids." She said as she gestured towards the room that girl went into.

I nodded, "Sure Caroline, tell Bree and Chrissy I said hi." 

Caroline grabbed her stuff in a rush and headed to the door, "Oh I will Hunny, ya'll be safe now." 

I walked around the station and walked towards my destination. I wasn't really supposed to do real medical work on any of the patients, besides changing a bandage every once in a while, but no one seemed to mind. I knew what I was doing and people don't care who helps them as long as they get back to good health.

"I'll see you around." Lukas said as he waved goodbye and left the hospital with the other paramedics.

I went through the open curtain of Emergency Room 3 and closed it behind me before turning around to see the patient awake.

"Wow, who knew heaven's angels wore doctor outfits!" A low voice exclaimed.

I pulled my long, straight light brown hair up and put it into a messy bun, I didn't need it getting in the way while I stitched her up. I tried to ignore her little pick-up line, but I couldn't help but blush.

"I'm not a doctor." I corrected as I grabbed the old fashioned needle and thread combo.

"Ah, you don't reject being an angel though. Something you're not telling me?" She joked.

I put the needle into her skin and began to close the wound. I couldn't help but smile and blush as she stared directly at my hand as I sewed.

"If you're not a doctor than what's with the white?" She questioned.

"I'm just a volunteer, the real nurses wear blue." I answered simply. 

She didn't flinch in the slightest bit as I fixed her up. Most people, even full grown manly men, flinched and complained at the pain from the tiny needle and the transparent string.

"Do you have a name?" She interrogated.

"Billie." I said with a smile as I tied off the string and cut it. 

She was staring directly at my lips as I said my name. 

I took a moment to observe her face. Her cheekbones were high and prominent. Her almost black hair was in a french braid and as she smiled I witnessed the beauty of her dimples. Her soulful eyes were a deep brown with what seemed to be specks of black.

"I'm Marrie." She had a gorgeously wide smile. 

I grabbed a couple steri-strips, also known as butterfly stitches, and went to work on her smaller cuts.

I put the butterfly stitches on the remainder of the cuts and cleaned off some dirt from her arms and neck with a damp paper towel in silence. 

"It was nice meeting you." I finished up and got up to leave.

"Billie." She called, grabbing my attention as I held the curtains open. 

I turned and looked her in the eyes as she sat up in the bed.

"Get coffee with me tomorrow morning, I'm sure the cafe can make a decent cup." She said cockily.

"My shift starts at ten." I stated with a smile as I left quickly.

I couldn't believe she asked me out. My heart was feeling like it was about to thump out of my chest.

"Can't wait!" Marrie taunted from Emergency Room 3. Her words echoing in my mind as I left St. Greed.

Emergency Room 3Where stories live. Discover now