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A/N: Hi guys! Just a note, if you're going to continue reading, I would advise that you read the description, because there's alot of info on this fic that you're going to need to know that's in the description. For example, Todoroki does not have his scar (yet) So yea, go read the description if you haven't already. That's all for now, enjoy!

Todoroki's POV

My whole life I have been running... Or at least trying to run. Trying to find a way out, but in the end, I'll always end up back in this dark room. On this rock hard bed that somehow costs so much money, next to this window. A window with no curtens, forcing me to witness the world outside. The world full of sadness, poverty, and death.

They had light blue painted walls with paint that is beginning to chip off. No light except for a small candle. I almost see it as a small bit of hope. Hope that I can eventually escape this place, hope that the people will someday fight back. Even though that would most likey cause many problems for me, I'd still take the pain.

Besides, they'd been in way more pain than I have.

I have everything they wished they had, daily breakfast lunch and dinner, a roof over my head, warm water to bathe in, cool water to drink. 'What more could I ask for?' you must be thinking.

Well I can easily answer that question; I could ask for happy green land to see when I look out my window, a father that cares for his family, some friends, no royal duty's or responsibilities, love, happiness for me and all those around me. But unfortunately, things can't always be that way.

It was a Monday morning, I woke up and imidentally could feel my stiff neck and back. I winced in pain as I heard my father yell for me to come downstairs. I quickly changed out of my PJ's and into some 'proper' attire.

With a sigh, I opened my bedroom door to see nothing but a dark and gloomy hallway, not anything new though.

The only rooms in this huge castle that my dad actually decided to put multiple lights in are, the dining room, his bedroom, and the thrown room.

The cheap greedy old man didn't even have any on the outside of the castle. Looking at it for the first time at night you'd think that it was some sort of haunted mansion.

I followed the sound of my dad complaining and yelling like usual, and made my way to the dining room where him, my mother and sister were eating breakfast.

I awkwardly sat down silently and made myself a plate of bread, bacon, and potatoes.

I slightly moved my eyes up towards my dad's angry expression, as I kept my head down looking at my food. "Shoto...! Can you please explain why you've been late for breakfast for the past three days...?!" He snarled as I kept my head down.

I mumbled under my breath, "Probably because I can't sleep at night and your cheap ass won't get me a new bed" he heard the gibberish escaping my voice but thank God he couldn't make out what I actually said.

I slightly felt bad for complaining though, since some people in the village didn't even have beds.

I heard a loud clank and boom as my father slammed his silverware and fists on the table, "If you have something to say, say it to my face!!" He yelled in my direction as I slightly lifted my head up and looked him in the eyes.

"I said that I'm sorry, and I'll try to get to bed earlier from now on" sure, you can call me a wimp, coward, pussy, or whatever name you can think of. I honestly don't care and agree with it myself.

I'd rather be mocked or feel like a coward than get a beating.

I used to get them all the time when I was young, but I soon figured out what not to say and do. I haven't gotten one since, fortunately.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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