Just me, Amberliegh Part 1

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Okay so this is my second story.  I wasn't going to start it until after my exams but this is my attempt at procrastinating my final research paper due tomorrow by 5 >.< its so horriblee.  I have 7 pages of hell awaiting me after this, so i mind as well start off with writing something I'll enjoy, so here it is

If you haven't read my other story, I siggest you atleast check it out.

as always, check the video in the sidebar! 



Amberleigh Bikheart, thats me.  bright red hair, translucent skin.  My nose was broken as a child, and now it has grown in at a funny shape.  My ears are uneven, and you know whats even worse?  I'm fat.  No, I'm not just saying that... because I really am and people remind me every day.  The only thing normal about me is my height.  an average 5 foot 4 inches.  My only attractive feature are my navy blue eyes surrounded by long lushes lashes.

Today was the beginning of the last week of my Junior year.  I was so close to being done with school and getting away from here, where I'm unwanted.  My parents atleast TRY to want me, and are nice to me even though i know its all fake.  Everyone else just thinks i'm hideous. straight up.

I dressed for the day in the usual.  baggy sweatpants and my favorite hello kitty hoodie.  I have always loved hello kitty.  she's so cute.

I put some gell in my hair to enhance the curls, and left to get on the bus to my own personal hell.

Today was different than every other day because today there was a note on my locker.

"I cant control myself anymore, please meet me under the bleachers after school."

I looked at the note stunned, I couldn't believe what was infront of me.  Someone wanted me to meet them.  and what did it mean when they said they cant control themselves any longer? 

The whole day I pondered the note, should I go? What if it was a trick? I do fine on my own anyways.  I dont need anybody, maybe I should go just to tell them that.

Yea, I'll go to tell them exactly that.




The bell rung and I slowly made my way towards the back door leading to the bleachers.  When I got to the bleachers I noticed a trail of daisy's I picked each one up as i went, not paying attention to where I was going.  I ran into something hard, yet soft and warm.  I looked up to see the senior star quarterback smiling down at me chuckling.

"K-Kaleb what are Y--y-you doing here?"

"Why I am here to see you beautiful."

I just stared back at him at awe.  the hottest guy in the whole school, no the whole town just called me beautiful.  He looked genuinley sincere. I couldnt believe it.

He led me over to a blanket and we sat down and talked.

His phone rang, and then he sprang on me. he pulled me up ontop of him and started kissing me.  I was so caught up in this wonderful amazing kiss that i didnt realize what was happeneing.  the next thing I know pieces of our clothing were torn off and pictures were taken.  there were numerous flashes coming from all directions.


I looked up to see the main bitch Kasi, and her 2 followers Michelle and Morgan laughing and taking pictures with the camera.

Kaleb pushed me off of him and spat in my face

"did you really think I would go out with someone like YOU"

the way he said you implied that I was some sickly disease, a monster, an animal.  I couldnt believe how foolish I was.  Kaleb stole my first real kiss,  my first kiss, and it was a joke.

I Threw my clothes back on and left with whatever dignity I could still find within myself.  Kasi tripped me on my way past and laughed a hysterical highena laugh.

Devils spawn, thats exactly what they are.


I cried myself to sleep that night, I had given up on hope.

The next morning was even worse than the one before.  There were pictures EVERYWHERE from what happened the other day with big bold letters saying WARNING: RAPIST on the loose. 

I was INFURIATED.  kaleb had posed me to look like i was holding him down, and the girls positioned the camera so you couldn't see his hand holding my face down on his.

I was ashamed, devastated, embaressed.

I didn't even know what to do with myself anymore

I left about 20 minutes later, a decision made.  I have given up hope in  myself, and in life.  I wasn't wanted here.  I wasn't wanted anywhere.


This is the end of me, Amberleigh.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2010 ⏰

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