1. Wrong Decision

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Thanks to coincidencless at Fanfiction.net for editing.


This story is part of a series.

Part 1 - Frisk: God of the World

Part 2 - New Life

Part 3 - Never Die Again (You are here)

If you haven't read the series up to this point, you might feel a little lost. If you have read the series up to this point, you will be even more lost.

Have fun!


Cathleen Remire raised her axe high. Its blade glistened in the late afternoon sunlight, and she brought it down into the log of wood, splitting it clean in half. She sorted the two pieces into the pile and grabbed the next log, and so the cycle continued.

Her muscles ached, but Cathleen didn't mind. Without firewood, the villagers would freeze at night. It was a matter of life and death; she couldn't stop until there was enough for everyone. She lifted her axe back up and split another log, and the pieces fell to the ground. She panted. Alright, just a few...

"Hey, Cath! You doing okay there?"

She looked up and saw Dacuel Argien approach her, accompanied by Everette and Syleth. Dacuel gave her an ear-to-ear grin. He was a seventeen-year-old human with short, dark brown hair, a beard with a thin but complete frame of his handsome face, and red eyes, indicative of his red soul. He wore an olive tunic and gray slacks, and he had a bow and quiver strapped to his back. He had also slung a deer carcass around his shoulder, keeping it steady with one arm. The hunt had been successful, good. They needed to take whatever they could get.

Cathleen huffed. "I'm fine, Dacuel."

"You sure?" Dacuel asked. "You look like you could pass out at any moment. Why don't you take a break before you work yourself to death? I think you got enough for one day."

She sighed. "I appreciate the concern, really, but it'll take more than a few logs to kill me."

Dacuel lowered his head in a snarky bow. "Oh, forgive me, Your Grace. I should have known that a little woodcutting would be no problem for the great and powerful future chieftain of Garnet Village. Please excuse my foolishness."

"Damn right," Cathleen said. "Though, I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a short break..."

"Yeah," Everette said. "Please don't overwork yourself. No one wants to see you collapsed, Cathy."

Dacuel winked. "Well, not out here, anyway."

Everette gasped. "D-Dacuel! You can't just say things like...!"

Cathleen laughed it off. "It's fine, Everette."

He blushed. "Oh, uh, if you say so."

Everette Victor was a sixteen-year-old human. He wore a white tunic and brown slacks, and he had a medium-length bob of blond hair. Like Dacuel, he had red eyes. On his back was a sack with several plants sticking out the top. Cathleen eyed them. "Got anything useful?"

Everette's eyes sparkled. "Oh, yes! These herbs I found are great for dealing with colds. It's not a cure, but it makes the coughing and pain much more bearable! I hope they'll help anyone who gets sick!"

Cathleen smiled. "I'm sure they will, good work."

"I also found some new fertilizer I'd like to try," Everette went on. "I know it's a while until planting season, but since our last harvest was a bit short I wanted to -"

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