He Got Away

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I fell on my ass and watched with wide eyes as the enemy was running away into the darkness of the alleyways.

Dammit, why won't my body move? Get up! You can still catch him, what are you doing sitting on the floor letting him get away?!

No matter how loud my mind screamed for me to get up and chase that villain down, my body was frozen in shock and I just couldn't find myself to get up.

"What the hell are you doing Red Riot?! Get up, you can't let that thug get away!" I heard Fatgum scream behind me. I turned my head to look at him and watched as he ran after the villain.

He's right. I can't let him get away!

Somehow, I was finally able to get onto my feet and was soon running after Fatgum and the villain. He was pretty fast, a few feet in front of us. We can catch him! We can do it!

I started sprinting, my hand reaching outwards in front of me. He was right in front of me now, so close. I can get him!

As I lunged out at him he suddenly turned, making me slam right into the concrete wall in front of me.

Dammit! I was so focused on catching that villain that I didn't pay attention to my surroundings! My whole face hurt as I felt something warm leaking out of my nose.

I had hit the wall so fast I wasn't able to activate my quirk. Shit, why do I suddenly feel so dizzy? My head feels like it's spinning and my legs feel like collapsing.

I pull back from the wall a little too quickly, causing me to fall backwards. I groan as my head hit the concrete ground below me. As I looked up at the sky my vision was starting to blur.

It seemed like my eyes couldn't focus. I felt really tired as my eyes grew heavy. The sounds around me starting to sound muffled and soon I couldn't hear anything except for a high pitched ringing in my ears.

"Red Riot? Are you okay? Hey! Red Riot?!" I hear a muffled voice above me. I couldn't tell who said it. My eyes grew even heavier and I needed to close them as they started to sting.

"Hey! Don't close your eyes! Are you okay?" That's all I heard before I finally rested my eyes and relaxed into the ground. My face still hurt a lot but I just felt so sleepy.

The sounds around me faded out until I heard nothing and I slipped into sleep.

My eyes fluttered open and was soon blinded by a bright light above me. I winced and brought my arm over my eyes, shielding myself. I felt a rough bandage on my forehead.

I furrowed my brows and sat up, groaning as I felt a sharp pain in my head.

"What the hell?" I mumbled, rubbing my head. I heard shuffling and wheels on a chair rolling towards me.

"Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?" A rough elderly voice asked me. I squinted and tried to look at the person who was taking to me.

"Could you move the light please?" I asked. Where was I?
I looked down and saw that I was in a bed. Wait, am I in Recovery Girl's office?

The bright lamp was moved off to the side and I looked up at the short women in front of me. She smiled at me. "Better?" She asked. I nodded my head and looked back down.

What happened? Why was I here? I look back at Recovery Girl and furrowed my brows. "Um, what happened?" I asked, my voice scratchy and rough.

"You don't remember? You were up against a villain and you hit your head pretty hard. Fatgum told me you ran into a wall then collapsed. I'm sure you have a concussion, might wanna take it easy." She explained to me.

Oh yeah, Fatgum and I were assigned to capture a villain. Wait the villain. Did Fatgum get to him?

"Where's the villain now? Did Fatgum get him?" I asked. Recovery Girl looked down and shook her head.

"He was too busy carrying you to safety. Unfortunately, the villain got away." She explained. My eyes widened and I felt my face drop.

He got away because of me. If I wasn't so damn stupid and weak, we could've caught him. Fatgum had to help me and couldn't catch him. Dammit! This is all my fault! He wasn't even that tough! Surely he was just a street thug and his quirk wasn't even that powerful.

I should've been able to get him. If any of my other classmates were assigned to catch him I'm sure they would've been able to easily. They're so much stronger then me. Why wasn't I able to do it?

I looked down and felt my head throb in pain. I winced and grabbed at my forehead.

Recovery Girl stepped forward and gently pushed me back into the bed. "You hit your head pretty hard, you need to rest. Don't worry about that villain. It was just a mistake. You'll get the next one but for now you need to heal your body." She said in a soft tone.

I let her lay me down and cover me in the thin white blanket. I couldn't believe it. Fatgum must be so disappointed in me. I'm sure he doesn't ever want me in his way again. How am I supposed to be a hero if I can't even catch someone like a small street thug?

There was a knock at the door. Mina and Kaminari walked through the door.

"Hey Kiri! I heard what happened, are you okay?" Mina asked walking towards the bed. I nodded my head. "Yeah I'm okay, just hit my head. I'll be fine in a little while." I shrug.

Mina nodded and Kaminari came forward. "So you didn't catch the villain? He must've been pretty tough." He said. My face fell and I looked down.

But he wasn't. I was just too stupid to not pay attention to my surroundings and I hesitated.

"Nah man, I just wasn't paying attention. I'll get the next one though so it's okay." I put on a fake smile. Yeah right, if I couldn't catch this one then I sure as hell won't be able to catch any other villains.

They both nodded. "Well, I'm glad you're okay. We better get going, Mr. Aizawa would kill us if we're late to class. Hope you get better soon!" Mina said heading towards the door, Kaminari following her.

I nodded with a grin. "Thanks you guys." I said. I watched them leave and relaxed against the bed. I might as well get some more rest so I could get better faster. I don't wanna get behind everyone else.

I've got to get better or else my dream of becoming a hero will be ruined.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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