First Week

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Picture credit: Pinterest @ Andrea Pemberton page


Dear you,

You welcomed your first day of being 25 by the news of your aunt’s death. It wasn’t really a shocking one - as she had been ill for about fifteen years - but it still broke your heart. To see your cousin, her daughter, looked completely lost and sheded some tears while picking up phone calls from one person to another just added a little weight into your heart. Those moments were like echoes telling you that, hey, welcome to a tougher days of your life!

Some people say life starts at the age of thirty, but nonetheless days of being twenty four - which means just months and weeks before being twenty five - life just started to fuck your brain out. You went a hell ride of work, lost a close friend, kind of had a tiny beeny little space with your best friends because they found their ones, but thankfully got a new job.

Work life (and colleagues) are fun yet you’re still under probation, so, who knows what gonna happen?

One day to the other til you got the news that one of your greatest close friends - whom you have had lost contact with since a year ago - is getting enganged! A mixed feeling of awe, excitement, and happiness filled your heart knowing that she has found the man. And now, you can’t wait for 2020 only to fly about 1900 km to attend her wedding!

Well, well, 25 has surprised you even on the first week!

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