jack imagine- surprise

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"Ouch" you groaned as you slung your suitcase on your hotel bed.  You had just flew across states for nearly four hours to surprise your boyfriend Jack Gilinsky. Jack Johnson was literally your best friend, so you had to tell him. You originally was

going to keep your secret from Jack G until he came but that wasnt going to be until another three months later and you like Jack J said, people would know by then a and your secret would get to Jack G.

So Jack J offered to pay your way to fly out to them. Obviously it did not take you long to say yes. But after the long plane ride, you were sore from the uncomfortable position and jet lag. You flopped down on the thick white  comforter before texting Jack J. That you were there.

'Sweet what room?' He messaged back. '402, oh and don't bring anyone else or tell them what you are doing' you replied back. He simply replied okay while you waited anxiously on the edge of your bed. This secret was really getting to you. I mean its so big you had to fly across states to tell Jack G. Jack Johnson was the only one who new, Your mom didn't even know. But it was such a big change in your life that you had to tell someone. Immediately Jack helped pay your way to Arizona where Magcon was currently at.

You were pulled out of your thoughts as you heard a knock on the door. As soon as you opened the door, you quickly grabbed a hold of Jack J, hugging him as tightly as you could. 'I've missed ya buddy' he laughed while pulling away from you. "I've missed you too" you said into his shoulder. You and Jack both sat down on the edge of your bed, sitting silently. "So are you going to tell him tonight?" Jack J asked, referring to your boyfriend of one year Jack Gilinsky. You slowly nodded your head, looking down at your feet. "I'm scared though.. What if he leaves me for it?" You said. Your voice starting to shake as your eyes watered.

"I highly doubt that (y/n)" he replied. "But if he does, just know I'll be here for you" he replied rubbing soft circles on your back.

"Well are you ready then?" He asked standing up. "Its now or never" he convinced. You nodded taking his hand to stand up. You followed him down the hall after you grabbed your room card and shut the door. You could feel your palms getting sweaty as Jack opened the hotel room door. Before you even stepped into the room you could hear loud yelling and gun shots. Obviously they were playing video games.

"Guys guess who I brought!!!" Jack yelled as you stepped further into the room, becoming more visible to everyone.

"(Y/N)!!!" You heard everyone yell. You didn't even get time to say anything as you felt Jacks lips crash onto yours. "I missed you so much baby girl" he said into your shoulders. Well it has been exactly two months since the last time you've seen each other face to face.

After getting the billions of hugs from everyone. You asked them all to  sit down that you had some important news. They happily obliged and sat patiently as you and Jack J stood in front of them. "So... Jack (G).. Last time I came to visit. I think we forgot to use a certain something" you said. He wasn't really catching on so you continued. "And about a month later I realized I hadn't had my period.. So I took a pregnancy test..." You saw everyone's eyes widen. "No... No... Please tell me you're lying" he replied with his jaw clenched. Your face dropped. This wasn't the response you were expecting. "Jack I'm not lying... I'm two months and a week pregnant" you said. Unexpectedly Jack jumped up from the couch storming towards the door. Jack J reached out to grabbed your fumed boyfriends arm but he just snatched away, slamming the door behind him. You Sobbed as you stared at the door. You felt arms around you, squeezing you in a comforting way. You turned around hugging who turned out to be Matt. "Its okay (y/n) he's just shocked. "

Matt said softy into your ear. "Just give him time to cool down" he said before kissing your head lightly. You had eventually stopped crying and sat in between Matt and Nash as the boys tried to cheer you up. It worked for a while but it still didn't get the thought of your future with out Jack out of your mind. After about two hours of funny games and laughter, you all heard a soft knock on the door. You figured you should answer it considering you thought it'd be best to talk Jack alone. You opened the door to see a puffy eyed Jack standing there. "Come on" you said kindly grabbing his hand and leading him to your room. Once you got there, you both sat on the bed. "I'm sorry" he replied.

"I was just upset because my career is just now going and I'm young, I don't know how to take care of a baby" he said. You nodded. "Well... I see. Look. I love you but I can't get rid of the baby. Neither adoption nor abortion." You said. "I hope you do great in the future. " You said as tears rolled down your face, opening the door.

"Wait what are you talking about? " he replied shutting the door. "Baby, I might not think I can be  a father but I'm willing to try. I don't want to lose you and if that means raising a baby with you to see you everyday then so be it" he replied. You grinned widely before missing his lips.

"Oh! I forgot about this!" You replied before pulling out a doll that was the size of the baby right now. "I went to the doctors yesterday and they gave me this to show me how big it  currently is right now" you said holding the tiny baby doll in your hand. You awhed at how much smaller it looked in his hands than it did in yours. "I can't wait to hold the real one" he said before leaving down and kissing your belly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2014 ⏰

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