Chapter 1: First Meeting

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That morning Liliana had a late start to her day. She was to meet the CEO of LFG. She's watched many news interviews and reports of this CEO. Mr. Victor Li. Single, handsome, but unapproachable, professional, intelligent, etc. She was nervous of course to meet this man. She hurriedly ran to her bathroom to get ready "I have to show this CEO that I can be a good business owner and make a lot of money!"
She took a quick shower, brushed her teeth, put her hair in a nice bun. "Okay no time for dilly dally time to find something suitable for this interview!"
She hurriedly ran to her closet to find something that would make her look professional. She found a nice business suit that she had saved for this occasion. She looked in her mirror. She wore her brown suit with a nice white blouse and a brown coat to go along with it. "Hello my name is Liliana and I am here to meet Mr. Li for Mitzuki company."
She thought to herself 'No that sounds too off." She cleared her throat' "Good morning my name is Liliana and I'm here to speak with Mr. Li about my funding for Mitzuki Company."
"No I sound too nervous." She checked the time.
"OH NO!! I HAVE NO TIME TO BE PRACTICING! I'M ALREADY LATE AS IT IS!!" She put on her flats ran out the door and off she was to her first meeting with Mr. Li. Liliana lived outside of Loveland City. Thankfully she was up and out the door before the morning bus arrived.

Liliana had no time to take the bus to LFG. Waiting for a bus would be 15-20 minutes a wait or more and she was already late as it was. She stopped at a cross walk and was tapping her foot
"Come on! Change already!!" She had no time to wait and decided to cross the street.
Without realizing a car was coming and it was inches from hitting her. It was too late she had no time to react. She closed her eyes and thought 'I don't want to die! Not too soon!' As she waited and nothing happen she opened her eyes to see a man with steel grey eyes staring at her and holding onto to her back and out of traffic. It seemed like time had stopped. Everything was frozen in time. The cars stopped moving, the birds stopped chirping, even the wind stopped moving the trees. 

"Watch where you are going! Instead of being impatient and being in a hurry you should've waited for the cross walk to change." He mumbled under his breathe
"Idiot." 'Who is this man and did he just call me an idiot!'Liliana thought to herself.
"I appreciate you saving me but please don't call me an idiot. I have to go. Again thank you." 'Who does he think he is calling me an idiot and AFTER he saved my life'. She thought to herself. 'Well he does have a point. If I would've waited like I should have then that wouldn't of happen'.
She continued to think. "UGH I HAVE NO TIME TO THINK! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!" She yelled out loud to herself. She had to now run to LFG.

She finally made it to LFG. "Phew made it. Hopefully I'm not too late!"
She was out of breath but she needed this funding and she will do whatever it takes to get the funding for Mitzuki Company. She walked up the stairs to a tall building realizing how large the building was she took a big gulp
"Okay. You can do this." She walked through the double glass doors and seen a receptionist at her desk typing away at her keyboard.
People walking in and out of LFG. Liliana walked up to the receptionists desk "Excuse me ma'am?"
The receptionist continued to type away at her keyboard. Liliana cleared her throat "Excuse me ma'am."
The receptionist startled she looked up over glasses "Oh sorry Ms. can I help you?"
Liliana trying to show her brave face. "Yes I'm here to meet.. Mr. Li. I'm suppose to meet him for the funding of Mitzuki Company."
The receptionist smiled and a little frustrated now realizing who she was. "Oh yes Mr. Li has been waiting VERY patiently for you. Please come with me Ms. Mitzuki."
The way she said 'VERY' startled Liliana a bit more and made her even more nervous."

They took an elevator up to the 10th floor. Liliana looked out the window as the elevator was slowly ascending up. "So."
Said the receptionist "What kind of company do you have?"
Liliana startled out of her train of thought "Oh it's a doll house company."
The receptionist looked at Liliana wide eyed. "And you want to come to Mr. Li for funding of a doll house business?"
She giggled "Do you think he would give you the funding for your company?"
Liliana in her mind hoping Mr. Li would give her the funding but she had a gut feeling otherwise "Well I hope so. I have a goal I want to accomplish and I hope Mr. Li will see my hard work and effort and know that I truly need this funding for my business. For my family and for myself." The receptionist pat Liliana lightly on the back and gave her a thumbs up
"Good luck! I'll be rooting for ya! Oh we've arrived on the 10th floor." A ding went off and the elevator came to a slow stop
"You have no reached the 10th floor" was heard on the loud speaker 'Is that really needed?' Liliana thought to herself.
The elevator doors opened "Follow me Ms. Mitzuki." The receptionist walked out of the elevator and Liliana followed behind.

As they reached the end of the hallway Liliana was starting to get even more nervous. She was sweating bullets at that point. Realizing that this is happening for real and she is about to have a first hand experience with Mr. Li. The receptionist realizing that Liliana was nervous she pat her on the back "It's okay hon. No need to be worried. Mr. Li isn't all that bad.."
She also was starting to sweat. Liliana starting to feel like it was a bad idea but she needed to do this. The receptionist knocked on the door "Mr. Li, I have Ms. Mitzuki here to see you about her funding."
Liliana heard his voice.. he sounded familiar like she had heard that voice somewhere before.. "Send her in."

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